Can oregano oil kill ringworm?
Are you experiencing a flat scaly area on your skin, starts in a ring shape, sometimes red and itchy, with a slightly raised border that spreads outward while the middle of the circle clears up? Then you are in a “relationship” with a fungal infection also called dermatophytosis.
Ringworms can be mild or severe in some situations and stubborn to treat but with the use of oregano oil, you can reap fast beneficial results in effectively getting rid of ringworm and step up your immune system which can help to prevent further attacks from unwanted fungal.
Read further to better understand the dermatophytosis infection or commonly known as ringworm, for a better understanding and guidance for an immediate treatment of ringworms using oregano oil, what causes the infection, how we can prevent their re-occurrence and fortify our immune system.
What is ringworm?
Ringworm is a common fungal skin infection with nothing to do with a worm as many people think. The infection is a skin rash fungus that spreads outward in a ring shape. The reason for the name “ringworm” is due to the pattern in which it is formed and spread in a circular manner.
As mentioned earlier, it is also called dermatophytosis (1) and can be caused by many types of fungi. It is common in humans and many animal species. Ringworms are known to be contagious and it can spread between animals and humans which is against the misconception many people have by believing it can’t be spread from one person to another.
Many still believe ringworm only affects the skin, only children can suffer from the infection, you can only get it once, antibiotics can cure you of ringworm, you can’t get it from your pet and for the scalp, it is believed to be dandruff (2). These are common myths and misconceptions that go around today with the topic of ringworm which are all wrong.
Wondering about ringworm with animals?
If you are an animal lover, you should be aware, many species of animals can be infected by ringworm. Animals such as cats, dogs, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, rabbits, rodents, and even birds can be infected with ringworm.
Here is how we come in contact with the infection
The fungus which is known to cause dermatophytosis survives as infective spurs in the environment which can be easily picked up with any direct contact which eventually leads to the disease. Children and animals can easily pick up these spores from the soil and with further direct contact, spreading is made possible from animal to animal, human to animal, and human to human.
For our animal friends, after any direct contact with the fungi, it may take two to four weeks before you can witness any clinical signs. You might find areas with lost hairs, scaly skin, redness, and itchy.
For us humans, we can get infected from cuddling and hugging our pets or from direct contact with another infected human.
Types of ringworm
Ringworms exist in several forms and in different parts of the body (3). The most common are known to be;
- Tinea corporis (Ringworm of the skin)
- Tinea capitis (Ringworm of the scalp)
- Tinea pedis, athlete’s foot (ringworm of the feet)
- Tinea cruis, jock itch (Ringworm of the groin)
Some signs and symptoms of ringworms
If you come across any ring-shaped rash on your skin or beneath the fur of your pet, then it is probably ringworm. The common symptoms are (4);
– Red, itchy, raised, scaly patches that may blister and ooze. They are redder on the outside and a normal skin ton in the center which creates a ring-shape appearance.
– The skin may appear light or dark but unusually
– Leaves bald patches when suffering from ringworm of the scalp or beard.
– They can spread to the nails which may become discolored, thick and can even crumble (5)
Some tricky attributes of ringworm
Ringworm infections do not always pup up as we may easily recognize them and from their symptoms. This is why we consider them to be tricky. Ringworms infections will not always appear in a ring pattern as we will always expect them to be. This is very typical with ringworm of the scalp or beards (6). In such instances, we might falsely identify them as a severe case of dandruff.

Also, it is common for humans and animals to be non-symptomatic carriers of the infection. What this means is, we can still be infected and still show no signs of infections. Many cases of ringworms have been identified from just bumpy red patches rather than the classic red ring we label ringworms with.
What causes ringworm?
There are combinations of fungi that can cause ringworm and we can identify three of them which are microsporum, trichophyton, and epidermophyton. These ringworm fungi survive as spores in soils, characterized as highly contagious which is why it is easy for our kids, and pets to get in contact with the fungi.
The actual cause of ringworm is by a group of parasitic fungi known as dermatophytes which when in contact with animals and humans, the organism is able to multiply rapidly which is exactly how the infection starts to develop.
Here is how ringworm can be contracted (7);
– Soil-to-human. This can be rare as we greatly control direct contact with the soil but it is possible to come in contact with the spores available in the infected soil. This explains why many wear gloves when gardening.
– Human-to-human. This can be through direct contact with an infected person
– Object-to-human. Using an item previously used by an infected person can spread the infection. Items like towels, combs.
– Animal-to-human. This is highly possible when we constantly get in contact with our infected animal friends.
-Animal-to-animal. It is also possible for our pets to spread the infection to the other pets if they are constantly in contact with each other.
Ringworm can be contracted by people of every age group and gender. But ringworm is more common with kids and owners of cats in higher percentages (8).
You are in high risk of contracting ringworm if;
- You live in warm climate areas
- Getting in close contact with animals and individuals dealing with the fungi infection
- Sharing of items with already infected individuals, like beddings, towels, and combs.
- A poor or weakened immune system
- Dressing in tight-fitting clothes
- Engaging in sports that requires skin-skin contact like wrestling.
For diagnosing ringworm, your healthcare provider can examine the affected area and asking some questions about what symptoms you are experiencing (9). Sometimes a black light can be used to view your skin in the infected area. In some cases, the infected area will glow to indicate where the fungus is located (10).
Your doctor may request a certain test like;
– A skin biopsy or fungal culture, whereby a sample or patch of your skin can be sent to the lab for proper examination and for any available fungus
– You can also be getting a KOH exam, whereby your health provider can scrape off a sample from the infected area and place it in potassium hydroxide. The process is simple, the KOH kills normal cells from the sample and leaves the fungal cells to be seen under a microscope.
How long does ringworm last?
Ringworms are known to last for about 2-4 weeks by using skin medication or over the counter treatments. This might not be the case for severe cases as your health provider might need to prescribe antifungal pills or medications to fight the infection. This can happen after several attempts at treating the infection fails. But using oregano oil, you can start witnessing changes within the next 48 hours of use.
Many people believe antibiotics can help for ringworm but antibiotics can kill bacteria effectively but ringworm is a fungal infection that requires antifungal treatments.
Why oregano oil can cure ringworm
Oregano oil is considered one of the most potent and powerful antifungal treatments today compared to other commercial brands we see today (11).
Oregano essential oil can be used effectively to treat and inhibit numerous skin fungal infections which may include toenail fungus and athlete’s foot which
Apart from the antifungal properties of oregano, oregano is also known to anti-bacteria, anti-parasitic, and anti-oxidant which when taken orally, it can boost your immune system and fight against numerous unwanted fungal, bacteria and viruses.
How oregano oil is used to cure ringworm
If you are thinking of using oregano oil, it is recommended that you consult a certified health care practitioner or your doctor for advice. You must make sure that you are not allergic to oregano. Oregano oil is a member of the Lamiaceae plant family. If you are allergic to peppermint, basil, sage, and marjoram, then you are most likely allergic to oregano.
Pregnant women and lactating mothers should avoid using oregano oil in any way, especially orally. If you are dealing with diabetes, make sure to stay away from oregano. It is not for you because oregano will lower your blood sugar levels.
If you are taking blood-thinning medication or anticoagulant, you should avoid using oregano oil. It is well known that oregano oil promotes the free flow of blood and can cause bleeding if taken with blood-thinning drugs.

The Best way to use oregano oil for ringworm
Just like with athlete’s foot, you can easily make an anti-fungal cream to be used topically at home with oregano oil. You can simply mix 2-3 drops of oregano with a tablespoon of
For severe conditions, you may have to take oral antifungal treatment. Since oregano oil contains anti-fungal properties, then you will have to take the mixture orally by adding 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drink. You are not only restricted to using water as you can also use any beverage of your choice, for example, apple or orange juice. You can only take oregano oil internally for not more than 14 days.
You can best use oregano capsules for this purpose and if you find the taste of oregano unpleasant. You should not exceed more than 600mg of oregano a day.
Best prevention practices.
In other to protect yourself from ringworm, you have to be protective of the environment and improve your hygiene habits.
– Always wash your hands after in contact with an animal
– When taking care of an infected animal, always remember to wear gloves and extra protective clothing and wash thoroughly after contact.
– Strengthen your immune system or stay away from infected persons or animals if you sense your immune system to be weak (12).
– Do not share sports gear, beddings, towels or sheets
– Always protect your feet by wearing flip-flop or sandals in public areas like pools, locker rooms, and even public bathing areas.
– Try to wear loose-fitting clothes and change your inner wears and socks at least once a day.
– Always use soap, shower gel, and shampoo when taking your bath especially after coming from the gym or public places.
– Always keep your skin dry and clean. Dry yourself thoroughly after a shower.
-If you are dealing with athlete’s foot, wear socks before putting on your underwear, to avoid the fungi from spreading to your groin from your feet.
Protective measures for your animals
Ringworm is common with animals suffering from a weak immune system.
– Keep your young animal friends in a clean area to reduce the risk of fungal infection
– Always tidy your pets sleeping area and disinfect such areas often and even equipments used in taking care of the animal.
– Take a visit to your vet if your pet has patches with missing hair. This can be a sign of a fungal infection (13)
– Treat your infected animals and separate them from healthy animals.
– Any animals suffering from other conditions like cancer and kidney disease should be separated from the infected animals

What cure ringworm fast?
In other to treat ringworm fast, you will need to take antifungal treatments both on your skin and internally. Treating ringworm can take 2-4 weeks with conventional treatment creams, but using oregano can speed up the healing process especially when used on the skin and orally.
Some questions asked about ringworm
What is the best treatment for ringworm on humans?
The best treatment for ringworm can be organic and natural antifungal remedies. Oregano oil can be used to treat ringworm as it is considered as a potent and powerful antifungal remedy. I can be used both externally and orally to fight the fungal inside out. Results can be experienced within 48 hours of use.
How do I stop ringworm from spreading?
You can stop ringworm from spreading by starting an immediate and effective antifungal treatment. You will have to fight the fungal internally and externally. Using oils like oregano internally will fight and destroy the fungal from within and boost your immunes system which will prevent the ringworm from spreading. Applying a homemade oregano antifungal cream on the affected area will kill the infection from outside.
For effective containment of ringworm, you must improve your hygiene habits and prevent the re-use of contaminated items, avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes, change your underwear at least once every day, and wash your hands frequently.
Can turmeric cure ringworm?
Turmeric can be used to get rid of ringworm by mixing a half teaspoon of turmeric with coconut oil and apply on the infected area. But for severe cases, you will have to take anti-fungal treatment to fight the fungal from within.
Is ringworm dangerous for humans?
Ringworms are not classified as dangerous to human and there have not been any scientific proof for any serious illness developing from a ringworm infection. However, ringworms are very annoying and itchy. Besides, it is contagious which means it can spread to other parts of the body leading to other fungal infections like toenail fungus or athlete’s foot.
What happens if you don’t treat ringworm?
If ringworms are not treated, they will spread to other parts of the body like the scalp, nails, groin, and feet causing more fungal infections like athlete’s foot or toenail fungus infection. Also, your skin can blister, causing broken skin which can be infected with bacteria.
Ringworms, just like other fungal infections can be cured with oregano oil effectively when used properly. It is important to always use a 100% organic and therapeutic grade oregano oil with carvacrol levels above 75%. It is very important to use carrier oils to dilute oregano oil before use as oregano oil is considered a hot oil and can burn badly. Also, using oregano oil internally can speed your healing results. Best ways can be through oregano capsules if you really want to avoid the taste of oregano oil. Share your experience with using oregano oil for us to learn from your experience.