Can oregano oil cure tinea versicolor?
Are you experiencing some patches that refuse to tan as the rest of the body? Spots that are heavily present on your chest and back? proves to be lighter or darker than the skin around them? And the skin looking flaky and scaly? then you are dealing with a fungal infection known as tinea versicolor.
Tinea versicolor can make you look unique in a negative way as you may be suffering from a fungal infection which can be embarrassing to deal with. But oregano oil which is well known as one of the best, natural and potent anti-fungal treatments can help fight against this infection and restoring your body and making you feel unique but this time in a positive way.
In this post, we will be able to have a deeper understanding of tinea versicolor for better guidance in taking care of our skin. The signs and symptoms of the infection, how tinea versicolor can be treated using oregano oil, and why oregano oil is your best choice
What is tinea versicolor
Tinea versicolor is a common fungal infection also known as Pityriasis Versicolor that affects the skin by creating lighter skin patches that spread all over the back and chest. This skin condition is a superficial mycosis triggered by a yeast of the genus Malassezia spp. Its prevalence is highly experienced in tropical regions and the majority of the cases are seen with individuals with a weak Immune system (1).
Clinical properties of tinea versicolor are characterized by hyper-pigmented or hypo-pigmented flaky and scaly patches. Pityriasis Versicolor is common around the trunk, neck, and the proximal extremities. The cause of this skin condition which is attributed to the dimorphic lipophilic fungus (Malassezia), also known as Pityrosporum is a component of our normal skin flora. There are over 14 different species of this fungus but the main species related to pityriasis Versicolor are known to be Malassezia furfur, Malassezia globosa and Malassezia sympodialis (2)
Cases of tinea versicolor are reported worldwide but it is more rampant in warm and humid conditions. Its prevalence is highly seen in tropical areas amounting to over 50% of the cases and just a 1.1% report in cold areas like Sweden. Many travelers with a weak immune system traveling to areas of Africa and Southeast Asia are likely to be affected by tinea versicolor if proper prevention is not implemented.
Tinea versicolor is common in young adults or adolescents which is probably due to the fact that the production of sebum by the sebaceous gland (oily skin) is high at this age period which provides a rich-lipid environment that favors the fungus (Malassezia) to grow (3). Pityriasis Versicolor equally affects men and women at the same rate and ethnicity does not matter in any way as no predominance has been noted.
What actually causes tinea versicolor

There is a huge number of small and tiny harmless organisms which are known as “the resident flora” cohabit on the surface of our skin (3a). Malassezia is the main fungus responsible for tinea versicolor and this is seen when the fungus converts to its pathogenic filamentous form. The main factors that can cause this conversion are genetics, environmental conditions like heat, humidity, pregnancy, immunodeficiency, oily skin, and some heavy and oily creams (4).
The yeast is naturally present and lives on our skin which is the reason why it is non-contagious but the factors mentioned above can cause it to grow out of control and cause the rash-like appearance and eventually tinea versicolor (5).
The rash is characterized by a variety of colors which gives rise to the name “Versicolor”. It can appear pale brown, pink in cases of untanned white skin.
Signs and Symptoms
Individuals dealing with tinea versicolor are usually seen with;
- Multiple and well-demarcated scaling patches or plaques
- Skin can be hyperpigmented or hypopigmented.
- May affect the face especially with children
- Common in oily areas like the face, arms, scalp, neck, and back.
- Can become confluent and spreads
- Can be provoked when the area is stretched or scraped
- Usually asymptomatic or slightly pruritic (itch)
- Severe itching can be experienced in warm and humid environments
- Presence of spots that do not tan equally with the rest of the body.
- Patches can appear white, red, pink, or brown. It can be lighter or darker than the skin around them.
Diagnosing tinea versicolor can only be effective on clinical grounds with the use of ultraviolet black lights and close examination under the microscope. The scrape of scales from the skin can be soaked in potassium hydro-oxide for accurate diagnosing (6).

With the basis of the characteristics and clinical presentation can make diagnosing tinea versicolor very easy. The wood lamp which is also known as the black light can be used to demonstrate the copperry-orange fluorescence of tinea versicolor.
With the use of potassium hydroxide examination, it helps to predict the usual grape-like clusters of the yeast cells and long hyphae. Potassium hydro-oxide is limiting in color contrast but a methylene blue stain, ink blue stain, or Swarts-Medrik stain can be used for better visualization.
Using a skin biopsy is not necessarily required to confirm a diagnosis but when used it can lead to an evaluation of the hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, including a mild superficial perivascular infiltration in the dermis. The fungal elements are exclusively localized within the stratum corneum and can however be visualized when stained with hematoxylin-eosin (7).
Using oregano for tinea versicolor
Oregano oil has been used for many years in treating skin problems like ringworm, eczema, rosacea, oily skin, acne, aging, varicose veins, and even respiratory conditions and stomach issues. Oregano is known to be antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants, and anti-parasitic. With all the above-mentioned properties of oregano, it makes it unique with far-reaching health benefits.
One of the causes of tinea versicolor is attributed to a weak immune system. Oregano oil can help in boosting our immune system and keep the fungus and yeast under control. Using oregano regularly and for a general well being can boost the immune system and fight against unwanted illnesses.
Besides, oregano is a natural and organic treatment compared with other chemical-based products, oregano can be more beneficial in fighting against skin conditions like tinea versicolor and keeping our skin healthy.
Some concerns about using oregano oil
Before any use of oregano oil, it is very important to make an appointment with your doctor and get professional advice on using the oil. Oregano can be a great medicine for many ailments but the oil doesn’t favor all conditions.
You might be allergic to oregano if you show averse signs with plants of the Lamiacaea family. These plants may include; mint, basil, sage, marjoram.
Also, pregnant and nursing mothers are not allowed to use oregano oil in any way. Oregano can cause great danger to the fetus and can limit the production of milk for nursing mothers.
Individuals dealing with diabetes should avoid the use of oregano. This is because oregano is known to lower blood sugar levels. If you are taking anticoagulants or blood-thinning medications, you should avoid the use of oregano oil as oregano promotes the flow of blood in the system.
You should always remember to dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil before use as the oil is highly potent and can burn.
How oregano oil can be used for tinea versicolor
Oregano can be applied to the affected areas by mixing the oil with jojoba oil as a carrier oil and apply neatly on the skin. You can apply this mixture 2 to 3 times a day. You can mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of jojoba oil. Jojoba oil will help to reduce the production of sebum which causes oily skin.

Taking oregano oil orally can greatly help to treat more serious and recurrent conditions of tinea versicolor. It can easily provide a simple and quick resolution of the yeast when taken internally. In this case, you can take 2-3 drops in a glass of water and drink internally. You can also use any beverage of your choice or use oregano capsules if you detest the taste of oregano.
Preventive measures
Tinea versicolor is known for its high recurrence rate. This is because the yeast is already present on our body and can be easily triggered. Below are some tips to limit triggers of the fungus
- Avoid the use of heavy oily products
- Limit your exposure to the sun. Skin tanning can make patches more visible.
- Use sun cream regularly especially if you need to go out in the sun. Always use antifungal shampoo if you are frequently exposed to the sun.
- Use broad-spectrum sun creams. Non-greasy sun cream formulas with minimum SPF of say 30.
- Avoid wearing tide fitting clothes. Wear airy and breathable fabrics to prevent excess sweating (8).
It is very important to choose the best oregano oil to use for your well being. Oreganum Vulgare is the scientific name of the plant with all the above potentials. Also, it is important to make sure the oil 100% organic and therapeutic grade oregano oil in other to reap all the benefits of the outstanding oil. It is very important to keep a carrier oil use alongside with oregano oil for the best experience. You can also find oregano capsules with great potentials. Let us learn from your experience with oregano by commenting below. Your experience can impact the lives of many.