Oil of oregano for cancer
As we all know cancer is a very complex health condition and much is being done for the treatment of cancer cells in humans today. Much is required for the treatment of cancer and with the results from the use of synthetic medications, many are interested in what natural alternatives may have to offer.
There has been an extensive collection of natural compounds. and with oregano being one of them, with unique medicinal characteristics, that has been looked upon for the treatment of cancer.
The current demand for a natural remedy has only known increase and essential oils like oregano oil is an example of a natural product that is growing in popularity due to it’s properties and biological activities (1). The question everyone seem to ask is, “is oregano oil safe for cancer patients?”
Application of oregano oil for cancer.
There exist numerous proven researches and much more upcoming studies on the properties of Oregano oil and its anti-cancer benefits which have been discovered to be far-reaching.
It is important to note that oregano oil has not been used on humans for the treatment of cancer and patients should never give up their treatments to pick up oregano as their main treatment as the majority of the studies on the anti-cancer properties has only been analyzed in test tubes and animals (2).
Some studies have indicated that the properties of oregano oil are cancer suppressants agents (3), and can help prevent certain colon cancer and breast cancer from growing in some test tube results (4). This has also been the case with some lung cancer and prostate cancer. With this research and studies coming to light, using oregano essential oil for cancer can be beneficial for many.
The benefits of oregano oil for cancer
Oregano oil cancer benefits can be far-reaching but it is sad to see that not enough emphasis is being given or considered for the usage of both conventional cancer treatments and natural alternatives despite all the available development of oregano oil and cancer. This has led to mixed feelings and frequently asked questions like “is oregano oil good for cancer patients?” or “can oregano oil kill cancer cells?” and “can you use oregano oil for cancer?”
But science has been able to answer these questions and it was even indicated essential oils as oregano can inhibit, prevent and treat cancer at the cellular level and still has been significantly effective in controlling and managing the side effects that come with cancer and the side effects patients faced during treatment (5).
Properties of essential oils have been extensively studied in-vitro and animals and they have always come up with promising results as they show a high level of anticancer capabilities when used alongside chemotherapy agents. The results were more effective when essential oil components were used with conventional cancer treatments than when used separately (5a). Using oregano oil against cancer as a complementary treatment should be supported and let more be done to guide on the best ways cancer patients can benefit from essential oils.
But after all the conclusions of numerous studies which have been done proving the anti-cancer benefits of oregano and yet not much has been done to test on human cancer cells, many will still be wondering if oregano oil is good for cancer.
Why oregano oil is good for cancer
Oregano oil is composed of numerous properties with great anti-cancer characteristics. Looking at the oreganum vulgare component analysis (5aa), we were able to pick out some active compounds of oregano with significant anticancer benefits as indicated below;
A study was carried out to determine the cytotoxicity of borneol and it’s DNA-damaging effects in treating certain cancer cells like malignant HepG2 hepatoma cells and malignant Caco-2 colon cells and it was concluded that Borneol showed cytotoxicity in all cell lines and did not cause any DNA strand breaks (5b).
Numerous studies have been done to determine the anti-cancer benefits of carvacrol one of the main active compounds of oregano and it showed promising results. First, carvacrol is known to contain anti-tumor characteristics in numerous cancer cells. It also showed significant anti-proliferative properties on non-small cell lung cancer cells to be precise (5c).
Carvacrol was also studied and concluded to inhibit the growth of liver cancer cells by inducing apoptosis (5d).
Alpha- and Beta-Pinene
The alpha and beta-pinene which is found in oregano are known to show cytotoxicity on tumor lymphocytes and in many other different tumors and nontumor cell lines. The cytotoxic investigation of alpha- and beta-pinene was done on a series of ovarian cancer cell lines and the results showed that alpha and beta-pinene has a significant effect on SK-OV-3, HO-8910, U937 and Bel-7402 cell lines (6).
Terpinene (α-terpinene and γ-terpinene) found in oregano oil demonstrated significant oxidation and cytotoxicity characteristics on a series of cancer cell lines like leukemia (P388), Liver cancer (HepG2), skin melanoma (B16-F10), myelogenous leukemia (K562) (7).
Limonene a property of oregano oil is well known to demonstrate significant anti-cancer benefits. Limonene is known to show antitumorigenic effects against breast and pancreatic cancer. Limonene also demonstrates antioxidant and radical scavenging characteristics and cytotoxicity against breast cancer (MCF-7), myelogenous leukemia (K562), Cellosaurus (PC12), human lung carcinoma (A-549), human colon cancer (HT-29) and HepG2 hepatocarcinoma cell lines. Limonene also showed antiproliferative action on tumor lymphocytes and further inhibits the metastatic progression of B16F-10 melanoma cells lines. (8).
The presence of 1,8-cineole in oregano further strengthens the anti-cancer benefits of oregano oil. This was made so through an investigation against ovarian cancer cell (SK-OV-3), ovarian carcinoma cell line (HO-8910) and hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (Bel-7402). It was concluded that 1,8-cineole demonstrated moderate antioxidant and cytotoxic characteristics and pronounced analgesic and antitumor properties (9).
The availability of linalool (β-linalool) in oregano makes oregano a potential anti-cancer agent. Linalool is known to demonstrate cytotoxic effects on human leukemia and lymphoma cell lines not forgetting other cancer cells like C32 cells (human melanoma), BCC-1/KMC (human basal cell carcinoma cell line), AGS (gastric carcinoma), RTCC-1/KMC (renal pelvis), U2OS (human bone osteosarcoma epithelial), HeLa (cervical cancer cells), H520 (lung cancer cell line), H661 (Human large-cell lung carcinoma cells), OSCC-1/KMC (oral cancer), J82 (bladder carcinoma cell line). A study concluded that linalool reversed doxorubicin resistance in human breast adenocarcinoma cells. Further more, it significantly suppressed HL 60 cell proliferation, promoted cell differentiation and induced apoptosis (10).
The Terpinen-4-ol in oregano demonstrated cytotoxicity against Hep G2 (liver cancer), HeLa (cervical cancer cells), MOLT-4 (Leukemia), K-562 (Chronic myelogenous leukemia cell lines), CTVR-1 (early B-cell line from the bone marrow cells of a patient with acute myeloid leukemia) and also human M14 melanoma cells. It was discovered that Terpinen-4-ol was effective in interfering with the migration and invasion of drug-resistant and sensitive melanoma cells. It was further discovered it induced necrosis and cell cycle arrest in murine cancer cell lines (11).
Alpha-Terpineol (α-terpineol)
Alpha-Terpineol a constituent of oregano oil ensures inhibition of the growth of human colon cancer cell lines and demonstrated inactivity on normal intestinal cell lines in human. Alpha-terpineol demonstrated significant cytotoxicity against a variety of cancer cells like HepG2, HeLa, MOLT-4, K-562, and CTVR-1 (12).
Carvone is known to inhibit viability and proliferation of Hep-2 cells in a considerable dose dependable manner and with morphological analysis considering an apoptosis involvement. At non-toxic doses, carvone did not cause any DNA damage with investigated in the SOS chromotest. Also, Carvone demonstrated dose-dependent cytotoxicity against the HeLa cells and carvone has shown promising effects as an anti-cancer agent for brain tumor therapy (13).
Geraniol which is a compound of oregano has recently shown evidence of chemopreventive potential against oral carcinogenesis. Geraniol is known to suppress pancreatic tumor growth with limited effects on blood cholesterol levels. Geraniol is also known to inhibit the activity of HMG-CoA reductase which is known to reduce the possibility of cancer growth. Further studies also concluded that geraniol inhibits the growth and polyamine biosynthesis in human colon cancer cells (14).
Thymol, just as Carvacrol is an active compound of oregano oil with unlimited health benefits. Thymol showed significant cytotoxicity effects against Hep-2 cells, P815 mastocytoma cells, Caco-2 human colonic cells, HepG2, and V79 hamster lung cells. Thymol was seen to demonstrate antioxidant activity and cytotoxic activity against the mouse leukemia P388 cell line. Thymol is able to demonstrate cytotoxicity against numerous cancer cells without association with any DNA-damage effect. Thymol is also able to show cytotoxicity effect against murine B16-F10 melanoma cells. Thymol was also seen to demonstrate induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells via caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways (15).
Other components of oregano with anticancer benefits may include humulene and myristicin.
Oregano oil cancer study has help science and scientist to come up with some conclusions regarding particular cancer cases as indicated below;
Oregano Oil for Skin Cancer
A study published in the Dermatology Research and Practice elaborates on the botanical agents which can be used for the treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancer (6). The study draws attention to Genistein, a flavonoid which can be found in some plants including oregano. Numerous studies have shown that genistein has an antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activity to the skin and protect against photodamage in mice. When tested it was concluded that genistein inhibits skin carcinogenesis.
Also, it was also concluded that the topical use of genistein reduced ultraviolet B-induced skin tumor multiplicity and its incidence. To further prove the potential of genistein, it was topically applied on the skin of six men an hour before and five minutes after they were irradiated and the results were remarkable as it was noticed that genistein inhibited UVB-induced erythema (7).
To answer the question is oregano oil good for skin cancer? Research and studies have been able to prove and conclude affirmatively on this even though much has not been done to test these results on humans.
Oregano oil for lung cancer.
Carvacrol which is an active agent in oregano oil, a member of the monoterpene phenol and commonly used as a food additive has been exposed by science to have anti-hepatocarcinogenic activities. Studies have proved carvacrol to contain anti-tumor characteristics which caused new research files to be opened which further led to the discovery that carvacrol has anti-proliferative properties on non-small cell lung cancer cells.
Based on previous studies, carvacrol has shown a broad spectrum of cytotoxic and anti-cancer characteristics (8).
Oregano oil for liver cancer
Liver cancer is commonly known as the 6th most popular cancer in the world and responsible for over fifty-nine thousand deaths every year. A study was published by the US National Library of Medicine and National Institute of health which demonstrates how carvacrol inhibited the growth of liver cancer cells by inducing apoptosis. The results showed a significant fraction of carvacrol treated cells died by an apoptotic pathway in liver cancer cells (9).
Oregano oil for prostate cancer
Wondering if or how to use oregano oil for prostate cancer? What is important to note is the presence of β-caryophyllene oxide in oregano is known to inhibit prostate cancer cell lines observed in multiple myeloma cells and with a significant dose and time-dependent effects (10).
Oregano oil for colon cancer
Oregano oil is known to be consist of Geraniol which is a monoterpene found in Essential oils represents a new class of chemical agents for cancer chemoprevention. The Geraniol, which is an active compound of oreganum vulgare has antiproliferative activity when it comes to Caco-2 colon cancer cells. Effective growth inhibitory effect was exhibited on human colon carcinoma HCT116 cell line and cytotoxic activity against human colon cancer (10a).
Oregano oil for cervical cancer
Numerous studies have been conducted on Carvacrol an active agent in oregano oil in relation to inhibiting cancer and the results have always been promising. A recent study was done to discover the effectiveness of carvacrol in inhibiting cervical cancer and it was concluded that carvacrol inhibited the proliferation of cervical cancer cells. The cytotoxic effects of carvacrol were determined from the use of two human tumor cell lines in vitro and it was concluded that carvacrol has cytotoxic effects in vitro and in clinically acceptable concentrations (10b).
Oregano oil for ovarian cancer
Some studies have been able to prove the cytotoxicity of alpha and beta pinene, components of oregano, as indicated earlier, on different levels of ovarian cancer. The study was carried out on different dimensions of ovarian cancer and they showed significant cytotoxicity effects, also on tumor lymphocytes and in many other different tumors and nontumor cell lines (10c).
Oregano oil for pancreatic cancer
Some publications have concluded on the antitumorigenic effects of limonene an active compound of oregano oil towards Pancreatic cancer. Limonene is known to demonstrate effective cytotoxicity against pancreatic cancer cells and even to numerous other cancer cells.
Oregano oil for bladder cancer
Linalool which is an agent of oregano is known to demonstrate cytotoxicity on bladder carcinoma cell lines (J82), alongside a wide range of other cancer cells (11).
Oregano oil for oral cancer
Also, the presence of linalool in oregano oil gives it the possibility to show some anti-cancer benefits on oral cancer. Linalool is also known to demonstrate a cytotoxic effect on oral cancer (OSCC-1/KMC) (12) just as with the case of numerous other cancer cells. This may suggest the use of oregano for mouth cancer can be promising.
Oregano oil for brain cancer

Canadian researchers concluded that carvacrol, an active property of oregano oil reduces the migration, invasion, and cell viability of U87 glioblastoma cells, a dangerous form of brain tumor.
Oregano oil for Breast Cancer
If you have been wondering and asking, is oregano oil good for breast cancer? then here are some conclusions of studies carried out to investigates the benefits of oregano oil and breast cancer. A research in 2014 concluded oregano was potent and active against MCF-7, breast cancer cells. Common types of breast cancers, infliltrating ductal carcinma, estrogen-receptor-positive, progesterone-receptor-positive. Another research in 2011, a French study discovered oregano anticancer activity against MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Using oregano oil for breast cancer makes use of the Limonene which is effective in the inhibition of tumors formation induced by carcinogens (11).
Oregano Oil for Leukemia
An Indian research in 2016 concluded that the carvacrol in Oregano oil induced apoptosis and had cytotoxic (toxic to cancer cells) effects in HL-60 acute promyelocytic leukemia cells and Jurkat T lymphocyte cells.
Oregano Oil for Colorectal Cancer
A Brazilian research in 2014 reported oregano inhibits cancer cell growth in HT-29human colon adenocarcinoma cells in test tubes. And a Chinese study in 2015 reported carvacrol in oregano oil has anti-tumor activity against two colorectal cancer cell lines. The research further states it reduces tumor cell spread, promotes apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, and much more other anti-tumor effects. Even in an Indian animal study concluded carvacrol has a protective effect against colorectal cancer.
Oregano oil cancer dosage and usage
Wondering how to use oregano essential oil for cancer? You can practice the usage of oregano alongside your conventional treatment but before doing so it is important to discuss the possibilities with your doctor.
You can use oregano topically by applying directly to the tumor location, bottom of the feet and the spine area 2-3 times daily. It is important to prepare a blend of oregano with another essential oil with anti-cancer benefits and switch every week to prevent resistance from the cancer cells (12).
Other essential oils with anti-cancer benefits may include;
Black Pepper
Clary Sage
Tea Tree
It is important to note that you can make your own oregano oil cancer therapy blends with a combination of these oils and that may best suit your needs.
How much oregano oil can be used for cancer therapy
It is very important to dilute your blend with a carrier oil. You can start with a 1% dilution (6 drops of essential oil per oz of a carrier oil) and increase if need be. Two tablespoons of a carrier oil is measured as 1 oz.
Internal Usage
To use the oil internally and to boost the immune system, you can mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and take it internally. You can as well mix 2 drops of oregano oil, 1 drop of frankincense oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil, and take internally. You can take this mixture twice a day and morning and evening.
It is important not to exceed 2 weeks when taking oregano oil internally. You will need to take a break for about 3 weeks and let your system flush out the excess oregano in the system which you don’t need as it can cause adverse reactions.
Using oregano oil capsules for cancer
Do you know you can make your own oregano capsules? You can mix 2-3 drops of oregano and as per mixtures stated above and fill up empty gelatin capsules or soft gel capsules and take them internally.
If you can find the time to make your own capsules, you can also buy oregano capsules already diluted and take internally.
Using an essential oil diffuser
You can also add 5-6 drops of your favorite blends in your diffuser and diffuse the oil in your living area. This is very important for respiratory conditions.
It is very important to observe how using the oil can best help with your situation and stop using the oil if you face any adverse reactions. Oregano oil may be allergic to some people who are allergic to plants of the Lamiaceae plant family. If you are allergic to plants like mint, basil, sage, marjoram, then you might be allergic to oregano as they all fall under the same plant family.
If you can’t use oregano oil, look for other essential oils that can be suitable for your health needs and try several blends and pay attention to how your body responds to the mixtures.
Using oregano oil for cancer prevention
Using oregano oil for your general well-being can go a long way to help prevent unwanted health issues which may even include cancer and cancer-related conditions. There have been numerous studies done to prove the effectiveness of the properties found in oregano oil in fighting against cancer cells.
Using oregano oil can greatly help prevent cancer attack and fight against cancer cells from spreading and causing more damage to the system.
Despite the fact that the use of essential oils in general and oregano oil in particular for cancer is still experimental, it doesn’t make the studies useless if these researches are still not largely experienced on humans. This doesn’t also mean you can’t use oregano oil while you undertake treatment. It is important to talk with your doctor to get his or her views when it comes to using oregano oil alongside your cancer treatments.
When deciding on which oregano oil to use, it is important to go for 100% organic and therapeutic grade oregano oil derived from the wild oreganum vulgare. It is also of prime importance to dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil before use. You can also be able to find already diluted oregano capsules which can be really easy to use.
If you have any experience with oregano and cancer do well to share as it can greatly contribute to the ongoing studies and research being carried out. Your contribution can impact the life of someone as we seek the best ways to heal our selves with oregano. I end this post with all hopes an oregano oil for cancer cure can be developed for the benefit of all.