Oregano oil is no doubt known for its far-reaching health benefits and outstanding properties but not much has been researched on to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that oregano can successfully treat or cure swine flu infection as a “one-man army”.
Even though the symptoms of swine flu are so related or say similar to the ordinary cough, cold and flu which affects us here and there, of which oregano oil has been able to treat effectively has made many people believe they can receive the same healing benefits even when dealing with swine flu. But, there is a huge difference compared to the influenza swine flu virus which goes even further to affect the lungs. Worse cases of swine flu can even lead to global deadly pandemic (1).
However, some studies show that essential oils and even oregano have been effective in fighting the influenza virus in different stages but for a critical and epidemical viral infection like swine flu, an extra edge, or a complemental medication to work alongside oregano is required. This implies oregano can be used as an extra complimentary supplement for the treatment of swine flu symptoms but not as a sole solution to the disease (2).
A deeper understanding of the swine flu influenza virus
The influenza virus is a common infectious respiratory disease that is caused by either one of three types (type A, B, and C). Our concern is on type A, which is the most significant and cause of human morbidity and mortality. The species is common in birds and mammals and are responsible for the Spanish flu (1918), Asian flu (1957), Hong Kong flu in (1968), bird flu in (2004) and Swine flu in (2009) (3).
The reason for this recurring outbreaks is due to the fact that the virus mutates readily and there are some serovars in circulation with the human population, not leaving out mammals and avian hosts which makes the chances for an infection or an outbreak very possible. For this reason, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual flu vaccines from age 6 months and above (3a).
Swine flu infections are known to be highly contagious respiratory condition originally from pigs, with low mortality of say 1% – 4% and with annual outbreaks usually during Autumn and winter time periods. Once the virus is able to cross-species, say from pig to humans the results can be catastrophic which can lead to a global pandemic. An estimated 213 countries have been able to lab-test and identify cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 with at least 16226 deaths reported (4).
Some signs and symptoms of swine flu.

- Sudden fever
- Cough
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- sneezing
- chills
- Loss of appetite
- Pain in joints
- Aching muscles
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath in some acute cases
- Diarrhea and vomiting
Why oregano can play a contributive role in fighting the swine flu virus
Plant-based essential oils have been used for thousands of years to fight respiratory conditions and for a wide variety of uses including our personal hygiene, therapeutic massage, and medical uses. Studies have proved essential oils suppressed influenza virus infectivity when applied in a dose-dependent manner (5) (6).
Viruses like the influenza swine flu pose an immediate threat to the public because as a viral infection they rapidly spread and mutate which makes it difficult to control and treat. The treatment and control of a viral infection depend solely on an antiviral treatment which can prevent replication in the host of the disease (7). Oregano oil which is known to exhibit antiviral characteristics can make a great complementary medication for influenza infections.
Oregano oil has shown remarkable success for the H1N1 viral disease than the majority of antibiotics which have always come out short to deliver promising healing experience over a time period. When conventional medicines fail to deliver results, Oregano can step in as a complementary or equal counterpart to make the healing process complete.
The mortality rate for swine flu is common with people dealing with an immuno-compromised system or old people with aging and preexisting disorders (8). This can be hugely controlled by boosting the immune systems of such individuals in a holistic manner. Oregano oil is known to be the perfect choice in boosting the immune system of all ages. Boosting your immune system regularly place in you in a better position to resist the infection and can be considered a proper preinfection and postinfection complementary medication which can help reduce the mortality rate for swine flu.
The antimicrobial characteristics of O. sanctum have been able to show useful management characteristics for novel H1N1 flu. O.sactum belongs in the same plant family class as oregano which is the Lamiacaea plant family and has the same compounds as oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid, eugenol, carvacrol, linalool and
β– caryophyllene which is good for common colds and flu, sinus infections, headache, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart disease, different forms of poisoning, and malaria (9).
How oregano oil can be used as a complementary treatment for swine flu.
Before using oregano, it is very important to talk with a professional health practitioner or your doctor for more accurate advice. It is also important to understand oregano oil is not suitable for all conditions.
People who are allergic to plants of the Lamiaceae plant family are advised not to use oregano oil on their skin or even orally. Plants of this family may include, mint, basil, marjoram, and sage.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then you should stay away from oregano oil. Oregano can cause complications to the fetus and even miscarriage. Oregano can slow the production of milk for nursing mothers.
if you are diabetic then you have to be cautious with oregano oil. Oregano oil can lower blood sugar levels. If you are taking blood-thinning medications, or anticoagulants then you should avoid oregano as it is known to promote the flow of blood in the system.
Please read more about the major safety concerns on using oregano oil and their interaction with some medications.

The best ways to use oregano oil for the swine flu virus.
The same method oregano oil can be used for cough, stomach problems, cold and flu, sinus pain, and infection is the same way you can still use oregano for swine flu infection. Oregano oil can be used orally to boost the immune system and fight the bacteria from within and externally through steam therapy.
Using oregano oil orally for swine flu
To use oregano oil orally, you can simply add 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drink. You can also, mix the oil with a carrier oil of your choice and take it internally. You can make a mixture of 2-3 drops of oregano to a tablespoon of a carrier oil and swallow.
Never take oregano oil on an empty stomach. And using the oil directly in the system should not exceed 14 days max. Relax and take a break for at least 2 weeks to 3 weeks and continue again if necessary
The taste of oregano oil can be very strong. If you have empty gelatin capsules in the house, you can fill then up the above mixture of 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and drink. You can also find oregano capsules if you just want to carry the oil in capsule form.
It is important not to take more than 600mg a day. Some oregano capsules can be 200mg, so you can take this 3 times a day while some can be 300mg then you can take them 2 times a day.
Using oregano oil as a steam inhalation or vaporizer
You can use oregano oil as a steam inhalation to fight the virus effectively through the respiratory tract. Oregano oil can help to clear congestion and relief pain from the symptoms of the infection.
You can use air vaporizer or diffuser. This method is effective to clear the virus from the environment in your living area and as you breathe in the mixture it helps clear the respiratory tract. You can mix 5-6 drops of oregano oil in your oil diffuser and switch it on for an hour or two. You can diffuse the oil in the bedroom before bedtime.

You can also prepare a steam therapy by adding 5 drops of oregano oil in a bowl of hot water and place your face over the bowl to inhale the vapor directly. You can use a towel over the head to prevent the oil from escaping. Try to close the eyes to avoid irritation bu sure to open the mouth to soothe the throat.
Besides, oregano tea can be highly beneficial during the healing and recovery period. You can find oregano tea and purchase them or if you have your own oregano plant, then you can put a few leaves in a hot glass of water and let it steep for at least 10 minutes and sip gently while still hot.
It is very important to know not every oregano oil possesses the same healing potentials and not all oregano oils are produced the same. You have to make sure the oregano oil you are planning to use is 100% organic and therapeutic grade with carvacrol level between 75 to 82 percent. Also, make sure it is manufactured by a reputable company under best practices. It is always important to dilute the oil with a carrier oil before use and oregano capsules can help you avoid the strong taste of the oil. You can share your experience with oregano oil by leaving a comment below so we can all learn.