Using oregano oil for bloating
Are you experiencing some frequent burping, excessive gas, abdominal rumblings? then you are likely dealing with bloating. In some cases, you can experience painful cramps or a knotted feeling in your abdomen. Feeling full and an increase in the size of the abdomen (1). Some may even have difficulties in describing the condition and usually use different terms to explain.
Well you are not alone…
Abdominal bloating affects between 10-30% of people and in the United States, 16% of the population have reported cases bloating and over three-quarters of the people discovered it was a severe or moderate condition (2). Some studies have shown that more than 90% of reported cases are patients dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (3). But the good news is oregano can greatly help you with bloating and restore your health.
Reading further will give you a better understanding about bloating, oregano oil, why oregano oil is the best choice for your condition, how to take oregano oil to remedy bloating, some major concerns about using oregano oil for bloating.
Some insight about bloating (Knowledge you need to know)
Bloating is a common gastrointestinal (GI) condition that can affect patients of all ages (4). There are numerous factors that may contribute to bloating, but here is the best and simple explanation on how bloating happens that we can easily understand;
Consider two rubber tubes with one placed in between another. Lets further consider the inner tube to be our intestines and the outer tube to represent the wall of the abdomen and if there is any pressure or change in volume from the inner tube, it will certainly affect the outer tube.
Here is what some people may think…
“If that is the case, why bloating appears only forward and side-wards on our abdomen”?
The reason why this happens is that only two sections of the outer tube, the front and the side muscles of the abdomen and the muscle under the lungs which separates the chest, abdomen and facilitates breathing known as the diaphragm really have room to expand.

So, when the content in the inner tube increases which may be due to gas, liquid (liquid stool), solid (hard stool) one can experience three things. Either the abdomen expands, or the diaphragm is pushed up to the chest and also increase pressure in the abdomen.
Also, due to swallowing large amounts of air (drinking through straws, chewing gums), some delay in emptying the stomach (dyspepsia) slow processing of gas accumulated due to IBS, and the retention of stool caused by constipation, can cause the abdomen to be distended (5).
Signs and symptoms of bloating
- Passing gas
- Burping
- Pain, cramps or a knotted feeling in the abdomen
- A feeling of fullness or pressure in the abdomen
- An observable increase in the size of the abdomen (5a).
What is oregano oil?
Oregano oil is a natural, organic, and potent extract from the Origanum Vulgare plant also known as the “miracle plant” or the “joy of the mountain”. Oregano oil is known to have far-reaching health benefits and today it is considered the next best alternative to antibiotics. Oregano can be used to boost the immune system, fight against bacterial and fungal infections, and fight against numerous chronic diseases.
Oregano oil can be distilled through a unique distillation process which makes it possible to maintain its strength and potency for the best health experience.
Why oregano oil can be good for bloating
Oregano has been used for thousands of years and by ancient Greek and Chinese healers to treat Gastro Intestinal problems like digestive issues, diarrhea, cramping, and many other stomach problems. All the above conditions can be attributed to IBS and as mentioned earlier studies have shown the majority of patients dealing with bloating symptoms are suffering from IBS.
The characteristics of oregano oil explain why oregano oil can easily eliminate bloating conditions. Oregano oil possesses anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, and antifungal characteristics. The presence of thymol and carvacrol which are the main active ingredients of oregano makes the oil unique in fighting against bacteria that may cause IBS conditions.
As we know bloating is also attributed to visceral hypersensitivity which is also considered a clinical marker for IBS and responsible for symptoms of bloating and abdominal pain. However, studies have shown that nociceptive input from the colon causes hypersensitivity which further increases intestinal permeability and induces a visceral nociceptive drive. To break it all down, hypersensitivity follows transient inflammation of the colon which is further portrayed with symptoms of bloating. Oregano with its anti-inflammation properties can stand guard to limit the inflamed colon and eliminates bloating (6).
Excessive gas in the system which is the main factor for bloating is sometimes caused by eating disorders and followed by bacteria overgrowth. Food digestion is made possible when our system is in proper balance. Bacterial in the small intestines plays a vital role in this digestion process. But with a bacteria overgrowth, the bacterial now feeds on the food we eat, and growth is made possible. During this process, they produce excess gas which leads to bloating and many other complications like SIBO (7). The antibacterial properties of oregano oil can maintain the balance of bacteria in our system and preventing any bacteria overgrowth.
With a follow up with our gut microflora which is also known as our gut microbiome are bacteria that inhabit the intestinal tract, establish a proper functioning of the GI tract and the body as a whole. Numerous studies have shown that these bacteria are responsible for gut immune function, metabolism of drugs, mucosal barrier function, production of short-chain fatty acids, and vitamins. Any slight disturbance of the gut microflora can cause significant changes in the gut and can lead to gas production (8). But oregano oil with its anti-microbial properties can help restore our natural gut flora.
Do you know what the serious problem is?
The use of antibiotics to treat our conditions causes more harm than good. Over the counter and pharmaceutical antibiotics are known to kill both the good and the bad bacteria in our system. This has made many people to sort for natural treatments for their conditions. Oregano oil is natural oil which is now considered the best alternative to antibiotics.
Some published articles have been able to elaborate on how antibiotics are wrongly prescribed and are responsible for the killing of the bad and good bacteria (9)(10).
Oregano oil. with its possibility to fight against other chronic GI infections like SIBO, GERD and other stomach conditions give the oil an upper hand to stand against bloating. Oregano oil is known to fight the dangerous E.coli which is a bacteria responsible for food poisoning (11). Other bacterias infections like yeast and candida can also be healed by oregano oil
How to use oregano oil for bloating

Before using any form of oregano, consult your doctor and get professional advice on your condition and how to use Oregano Oil.
If you are allergic to plants of the Lamiaceae family, then you are likely to be allergic to Oregano oil because they all belong to the same family. Pregnant and lactating women are advised to avoid Oregano Oil. Even if former healers used oregano to treat diabetes, if you have diabetes, avoid using oregano oil. Oregano can lower blood sugar levels and cause complications if taken at the same time as your medication. If you are taking anticoagulants, avoid oregano.
Please read more about some major safety concerns about using oregano oil
The best ways to use oregano oil for bloating
In other to reap the benefits of oregano oil for bloating, we will have to take the oil orally. You can mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drink internally but not on an empty stomach. Also, oregano oil can only be used internally for just a period of 14 days maximum. I must comment, the taste of oregano can be very strong. In this case, you can mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil to a tablespoon of a carrier oil and fill the mixture in empty gelatin capsules and drink. Or, you can simply buy oregano capsules.
Cooking with oregano for bloating
Do you know you can use oregano for your cooking?
Please, do not get me wrong and fill up the oregano oil in your meals. You can use oregano leaves for cooking. Oregano is being used by many today as a cooking spice and dressing for many meals. You can get dry or fresh oregano leaves for this purpose.
It is said oregano in food can reduce oxidation by 71 percent, and can greatly reduce the toxic compounds that emerge during a cooking process (12)
You can use oregano in salads, in your tomato sauce, and for seasoning. The oregano spice can be used in almost any meal if you find it convenient.
Using oregano tea for bloating
Drinking oregano tea after meals can greatly help for digestion and limit the production of gas in the system. To make your own oregano tea, you can add 4-6 tablespoons of dry oregano leaves and boil in 2-3 cups of water, filter your tea and drink. You can also find oregano tea sachets in many stores today. If you grow your own oregano then you can use fresh oregano leaves in boiled water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and drink.
Some good practices to undertake alongside taking oregano oil for bloating

- Eliminate foods that you think can cause bloating for you. You will realize the majority of such foods are not necessary for a balanced and healthy diet
- Exercise regularly and stay active to keep the digestive system functioning properly. A study carried out showed that exercising can improve intestinal gas clearance and reduce symptoms of bloating (13).
- Quit smoking as it can cause bloating and gas
- Avoid fatty foods
- Eat in smaller portions
- Do not eat too fast
- Avoid carbonated beverages like sodas
- Avoid drinking with straws and chewing gums as they can lead to gas in the system
- Limit the amount of salt intake
- Minimize high fiber foods or add them to your diet gradually.
- Stay active by taking a walk after you eat to promote digestion (14)
How to treat bloating fast?
In other to treat bloating fast, you have to use a natural home treatment like oregano oil. Use oregano oil internally, use oregano spice in your meals, and take the tea after every meal. Use oregano alongside the best practices listed above and for effective bloating relief.
Oregano can be a great natural treatment for bloating but you will have to make sure the oregano oil must be a 100% organic and therapeutic grade oregano oil. Also, it is important to always use a carrier oil to dilute oregano oil before use. Oregano capsules can also be used for a better experience. Above all, talk to your doctor before using oregano oil. You can share your experience with oregano below so we can all learn from it. Sharing can Impact the lives of many.