The ancient traditional Chinese healers were well known to have already been using oregano to remedy certain ailments like respiratory conditions, skin issues, joint pains, and arthritis conditions but not much information was available if oregano was safe to be taken orally.
During this medieval periods, oregano was also used as a spice and dressing for cooking. The leaves of the oregano plant were obtained dried and used for cooking. The fresh leaves were also used to make oregano tea which was greatly used for clearing cold conditions.
These were the common methods and ways oregano oil was being taken internally until recent developments and experiences proved an essential oil can be produced out of the oregano leaves. Even so, it was still labeled as “not safe” to be taken internally.
As frequent studies were being untaken and more discoveries about the goodness of the oregano plant, it was realized oregano oil can be used for numerous health conditions due to its outstanding characteristics and properties. This further pushed the hands of oregano lovers to experiment by taking the oil internally to benefit from the far-reaching benefits of oregano.
The only concern was the process of obtaining the oregano essential oil to fully benefit from its healthy attributes leaves us with a highly potent oil with super concentrated extracts which makes it practically impossible for the oil to be taken directly into our system. The purification process makes the oil 100 times more potent than the fresh leaves used for cooking.
As an essential oil, and labeled as a hot oil, oregano oil can be taken orally by diluting it with a carrier oil to reduce the concentration and potency and to enable it safe for ingestion. However, it is advisable to take the oil in small doses and on a short term basis. Essential oils taken in full strength and in excess can be toxic to the liver, kidney and the nervous system.
Why Oregano Lovers Take the Oil Internally.

With the continuous research and studies with oregano, it was discovered oregano can even be highly beneficial when taken internally. This is because oregano can be used to fight bacteria and viruses right in our guts.
It is always said, our outside is a reflection of our inside. Some times when we are affected with some skin condition is it an indication that we are dealing with a bacteria or virus right from within our system. The skin conditions are sometimes seen as just symptoms of the illnesses we suffer from within. To get rid of such bacteria and viruses we need to fight them from inside out.
The recent discoveries with antibiotics, which are now known to cause more harm than good in our system, have raised numerous concerns as many now turn to seek natural alternative options rather than pharmaceutical antibiotics which are filled with chemicals.
In my opinion, I believe it is better to sort natural and organic treatment options first before thinking of pharmaceutical medications. In the place of antibiotics, studies have proved they are effective in killing the bad bacteria alongside the good bacteria leaving our system still exposed and susceptible.
Compared to pharmaceutical drugs, oregano is known to cause less damage to the microbiome. Oregano oil is well known for its antimicrobial properties which make it possible to kill bacteria in a gentler manner compared to pharmaceutical drugs. Even so, I have not been able to stumble on any study which states the extent to which oregano can destroy the good bacteria in our system.

An article was published with the Wall Street Journal elaborates on how numerous antibiotics and wrongly prescribed and states how the broad spectrum antibiotics not only destroys the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria in our system.
The American Academy of Pediatrics in a study concluded that over 30% of prescribed antibiotics in the United States were not necessary. They emphasized that society suffers from diseases that are resistant to antibiotics as antibiotics rather cause more harm than good.
Another positive reason why people were more inclined to give oregano oil a shot for internal usage was due to the characteristics of the oil. Oregano oil is known to be anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antioxidant, and as an emenagogue. This implies oregano oil can be used for multiple health conditions and to keep our immune system on check.
How to use oregano oil orally
Sad to say, there is not much information to scientifically justify how oregano oil can be taken internally, the required doses, and the range of use. The only available information is only from oregano lovers who have been able to come forth with their experience in using oregano oil for their general wellbeing and for healing themselves from some illnesses.
This shared information has been able to guide other new oregano users to safely benefit from oregano oil. However, the usage of oregano oil greatly depends on health conditions, age and other things to consider before using oregano oil.
It is important to understand, even though oregano oil is a natural blend, it may not be necessarily safe to take orally. With that being said treating with oregano oil with caution and taking the right dosage is of prime importance. Always remember to read the labels of the oregano oil you purchased for more information and guidance.
Always make sure the oregano oil you are looking to use is a 100% therapeutic grade and organic oregano oil. Make sure the company or brand you are purchasing is a reputable one. The oregano oil must be high in Carvacrol level, not less than 75% in some cases as this is the main active agent in oregano oil.
In addition, never take oregano essential oil on an empty stomach. This mistake can be seen possible in the early mornings when you need to take the oil. Always go with your breakfast first, your lunch and dinner before having oregano oil into your system.
Above all, it is very important to take a trip to your doctor and get professional advice on using oregano oil for your wellbeing.
The best ways to use oregano oil orally

There are a couple of ways to take oregano oil orally for the best outcomes.
In a glass of water: You can add a few drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drink orally. But this option comes with a lot of rejection due to the taste of oregano oil. Oregano oil is known to have a very strong and lasting taste which is not very pleasant.
In a glass of your favorite beverage: Now, if you are not very comfortable with the taste of oregano oil you can add a few drops of oregano oil in your favorite beverage like milk, juice, and what else you may have to limit the strong taste of the oil.
By taking oregano capsules: If you are really not comfortable with taking oregano oil directly or diluting it by yourself, you can go with already diluted oregano capsules. Using oregano capsules greatly eliminates the direct taste of oregano oil.
Making your own capsules: Do you know you can make your own capsules? You can easily make your own personalized oregano capsules from home and still enjoy the benefits of oregano. In making your own oregano capsule, you can mix oregano oil with a carrier oil of your choice and fill it in empty gelatin capsules, viola there is your own oregano capsules.
Some people simply blend a few drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil of their choice and swallow. 1
Another way to get oregano into your system.
If you are dealing with respiratory problems, you can simply diffuse oregano oil or through vaporized means.
Today you can easily find diffusers in which you can diffuse your oregano oil in your home. This is another effective way of using oregano oil to maintain mood levels and relieve stress.

You can also, vaporized oregano at home by simply adding a few drops of the oil in a bowl of hot water. Place your face closer to the bowl and inhale and breathe in the vapor. You can also cover your head over the bowl with a towel to prevent the vapor from easily escaping.
Oregano oil is well used for a wide variety of health issues and in another post, we have lengthily outlined the dosage and usage of oregano oil.
However, it is always recommended to start with oregano in smaller doses and increase dosage as you get more experienced with the oil. You can start as low as 1 is to 10 basis (when mixing with a carrier oil) and increase the dose gradually if necessary.
A general dose we recommend is 2-3 drops of the oil in a glass of water, juice, or any beverage of your choice. A 2-3 drop blended with a tablespoon of a carrier oil. In diffusing the oil you can add 5 – 6 drops of the oil in a 500ml diffuser.1
Always remember oregano usage is not intended for a long period of time especially when using the oil directly. The maximum time frame to use oregano oil is 14 days max (2 weeks). You can take a break for say a month or two and resume if need be. Excessive use of oregano and due to its potency can be toxic for the kidney and liver.
Some major concerns about using oregano oil.

Before using oregano oil, it very important to make sure you are not allergic to the oil. Oregano is known to belong to the Lamiaceae plant family which includes; mint, sage, basil, and marjoram. This implies if you are allergic to any of these plants, then you are likely to be allergic to oregano oil.
Oregano is known to exhibit some reactions when it comes in reaction with some medications. This can be experienced with diabetes patients or individuals taking anti-diabetes drugs. Taking diabetes medications alongside oregano can cause your blood sugar level to move to a lower and undesirable level as oregano is also known to lower blood sugar levels.
Also, if you are taking any medication to slow blood clotting or anti-coagulants then you will have to stay away from using oregano. Oregano is well known to thin and promote the flow of blood.
It is also important for nursing and pregnant women to avoid the use of oregano in any way. Oregano can limit the flow of breast milk and can cause serious complication with the fetus for pregnant women.
Oregano oil should not be given to children especially internally.
Taking oregano oil internally can really help to boost our immune system and fight against bacteria and viruses living right in our blood cells. Oregano oil can be taken orally for health issues like; candida, yeast infections, stomach issues, parasites, aging, and even eczema. It is important to make sure you follow the right doses and treat the oil with caution. You can share your experience with oregano by commenting below for us to be able to learn from your experience. You can read a full review about oregano here.
I have asthma which is triggered by seasonal allergies. Someone told me about oregano oil, and i was desperate. I’ve tried it, (one drop of oil to 8 oz. of warm water), and never looked back.
I also have an autoimmune problem, that causes itchiness not only in the nasal passages, but in the eyes, and scalp. (when it reaches the scalp, i know there’s going to be hair fall in those areas). This is due to an inflammatory response through out the system.
When i start getting that itchiness, watery eyes, mild swelling at the inner canthus of the eyes, and that scalp itchiness, i get a cup of warm water (doesn’t have to be hot), take my oregano oil, and within seconds, EVERYTHING calms down.
No allergy relief/sinus spray, eye drops, or topical scalp oils/ointments come close to what one drop of oregano oil/water can do. Some folks take 2-3 under the tongue, but i’m not that brave, yet.
The only down side of this carrier oil, of course, is the smell, and the taste. It is NOT pleasant, and it is very strong. It tastes worse than mop water, so just down it as quickly as possible. And use a mild detergent to rinse out the cup and spoon when you’re finished. If you just rinse your utensils with just water – you’ll never get rid of the smell, and it will stink up the kitchen.
that is all..
Hey, thanks very much for your contribution and sharing the goodness of oregano. I also have a post about using oregano for asthma feel free to check it out here;
What are some good brands of oregano oil that can be taken orally? I just bought ” Grandma’s Home” is it safe? Thank you !
Just put 12 drops of oregano oil on a Kleenex and fix it with a clothespin to a central heating duct in your home and add when needed the forced warm airflow will soon fill the home with the vapour and get rid of airborne virus, unwanted scent and helping your respiratory system stay healthy. Might be a good solution for flu/ coronavirus patients not responding to conventional treatments. They should have vaporizers operating in stores and any place people are present indoors to help prevent the spreading of germs. Also toothache/ gum problems/ canker sore gone quickly.
Thanks for sharing. It is something I recommend doign especially with the current situation we are facing now.
Thanks for the article. FYI this site has some dosing info:
Thanks for sharing.
I opened an oregano oil capsule and the oil tasted Hoyt
I opened an oregano oil capsule and the oil tasted hot as if it contains pepper. I didn’t see pepper in the ingredients.
Oregano is a hot oil in the sense it can easily burn. I advise people to use capsules to avoid the taste of the oil.
I opened an oregano oil capsule and the oil tasted hot as if it contains pepper. I didn’t see pepper in the ingredients.
I have just learned about the wonderful goodness of oregano oil! I was just missing how to actually use it. Thanks for sharing this! I would love to cite your site in my latest post on natural ways to prevent the cold. so expect a backlink from me 🙂
Hi Jordan, Thanks for your comment. It is very important to understand how to use oregano oils or they might not serve the purpose you are using them for. Thanks for sharing.