An All-Natural Treatment With Oregano Oil For Herpes
Have you been worrying lately about how to get rid of herpes?, looking out for natural treatments for Herpes? Or wondering about oregano oil for Herpes?
Smile now, because here is the final bus stop for your herpes. With the simple to use and an all-natural oregano oil for herpes treatment, you can eliminate herpes permanently, effectively, and experience an immediate relief in less than no time. Oregano oil is a potent antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal natural oil that can fight against bacterias even better than regular antibiotics. You are going to discover how to use the benefits of oregano oil to eliminate herpes right from the comfort of your own home.
In the subsequent paragraphs, I am going to be talking about what oregano really is how oregano oil really works and the best ways you can use oregano oil to cure herpes permanently. Most importantly the reasons and benefits of using oregano oil for herpes. Lastly, some tips for better results
What Is Oregano Oil?
Oregano oil is a potent and natural oil extracted from the oregano plant itself. Oregano is referred to, as a miracle healing plant due to its outstanding and endless health benefits. The oil of oregano goes a long way to protect the immune system, fights against bacterias, detoxify the body, and prevent chronic diseases. Many today use oregano for their everyday well being after an amazing experience with oregano oil. We now turn to oregano oil own natural antibiotics.
How Oregano Works For Herpes.

Herpes is a disease or illness caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). The HSV is active to attack our external anal, genital, our skin, and even in other areas of our body. However, the symptoms of herpes are not easily detectable even with the virus in your system. Herpes can be a long-term condition due to this fact.
Herpes exists in two forms HSV-1 (better known as oral herpes) and HSV-2 ( genital herpes). Today, over 50% of the united states population is dealing with herpes knowingly and unknowingly as the symptoms can take months or years before manifesting. Over 15.5 percent of the population is dealing with HSV-2 over the age range of 14-49.
Signs and symptoms of herpes
Many people do not realize that they have herpes and as a matter of fact, over 90% of infected individuals are unaware that they are dealing with the virus. The reason is that many people experience very mild symptoms that may be unrecognized or mistaken for something else.
The symptoms of herpes show up within days after being infected but in some conditions, it can take weeks months or even years. Just as the symptoms can be mild it can also be severe during the first outbreak (1).
Symptoms of herpes can rage from a sensational pain during urinating, vaginal discharge, cold sores, ulcers, high temperatures, swollen lymph nodes, and fever blisters. Other symptoms can come with headaches, backache, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms (2).
The best part is;
The carvacrol found in oregano oil, first of all, makes the cell membrane of the herpes virus permeable. The reason being or attributed to the antiviral properties of carvacrol found in oregano oil which is great for infections with possibilities of spreading.
These cell membranes turn to resist our immune system and make it very difficult for other treatments to be effective. This is the case with the herpes virus as the cells are found to bind to the protective membrane and can even penetrate it if the body seems weak.
But the good news is,

With the power of carvacrol, the cell membrane weakens and destroyed. As the virus opens up and submits to the power of carvacrol, the thymol, another vital compound of the oil of oregano with antiseptic properties strengthens and boosts our immune system. Which further eradicates the herpes virus from the bloodstream and protects us against toxins. Now making your system inhabitable for the herpes virus.
But there’s more;
Studies have successfully proven that HSV demonstrates a high rate of recurring herpes. Many cases of HSV have experienced frequent recurrences over time.
However, recurrences are seen to be less severe. But with oregano, you are inhabitable for viruses. With a complete treatment and some irregular or periodical use of oregano oil, as a natural alternative for antibiotics, the un-invited friend (herpes virus) will depart never to return any more.
8 Reasons Why You Should Use Oregano Oil For Herpes.
1- The very first reason why oregano oil can be used for Herpes is for the fact that it is natural.
For no reason, there will be a natural alternative treatment for an illness and then I decide to go for a pharmaceutical treatment. Pharmaceutical prescription drugs are filled with chemicals that turn to heal and harm us at the same time.
Research and studies have successfully proved oregano to be a more effective antibiotic than other pharmaceutical antibiotics due to its natural form, nature, and made of many other compounds.
2- The composition Of Oregano Oil
The components of oregano are; Thymol, a natural fungicide with antiseptic characteristics. It boosts the immune system and protects against toxins. The carvacrol found
in the oil of oregano fights against bacterias as it directly attacks the host or membrane of
a virus which in return destroys the virus itself right from the roots.
In addition, the presence of origanum heacleoticum L. which kills bacterias or viruses that show resistance to antibiotics.
3- The Limitations of Pharmaceutical Drugs
The majority of the prescribed pharmaceutical drugs fail to eradicate the herpes virus. Do you know why? These prescribed drugs are of a broad spectrum and are always addressing the symptoms that come with the virus. Forgetting the root cause and the stronghold of the virus.
These pharmaceutical drugs even goes a long way to kill both the good bacteria and the bad bacteria in our system. There is a study which shows how oregano is even better than some conventional drugs
We can both agree when it comes to fighting viruses antibiotics don’t stand a chance as they are more potential towards bacteria-induced diseases. It is very common for virus pathogens to disguise in the body cells and present them selfs far enough from the immune system to be effective in destroying the virus. But with oregano oils, viruses are in great danger.
4- Oregano Oil Is Inexpensive
Oregano oil presents to be more affordable in the market than other pharmaceutical drugs that are out there. A single bottle of oregano oil can be used for a very long period of time as only a few drops are required for a period of time.
5- Easy To Use
Oregano oil is very easy to use and can as well be applied topically to the symptoms that come with the herpes virus. A few drops of oregano mixed a carrier oil is just all you need. Ingesting oregano oil requires a few drops in a glass of juice and you are set for the battle for herpes
6- Prevent The Herpes Outbreak
Using oregano oil for herpes is good to stop future outbreaks. As mentioned before, oregano oil will help to prevent outbreaks or the recurrent nature of herpes.
7- Reduces The Symptoms Of Herpes
The use of oregano oils will reduce the symptoms and their severity. Oregano oil is not only active in clearing the virus but also limits and prevent the symptoms common with herpes
8- Lastly, with proper usage, you won’t be dealing with side effects.

A Call For Concern
Oregano Oil is very beneficial when used appropriately. Before you start using oregano for any treatment, you need to talk with your doctor or a professional healthcare practitioner. It is not advisable for nursing or pregnant women to use oregano oil in any form.
Diabetes patients with oregano oil
Diabetes patients should avoid the use of oregano oil as oregano oil can lower sugar levels. Oregano oils are believed to interact with certain medications which is why it is very important to consult professional advice from a doctor before using oregano. This is especially if you are on any medication.
Oregano oil can also cause reactions to people who are allergic to plants of the Lamiaceae family. Mint is the closest example. Avoid using oregano oil in that case.
Please read more about the major safety concerns on using oregano oil and their interaction with some medications.
Oregano oil falls in the family of hot oils
It is advisable to reduce the concentration by diluting. Oregano oil used without diluting might burn badly and cause irritations. Most importantly never use oil of oregano on broken skins or open wounds.
You can always use carrier oils to dilute oregano before use. Carrier oils like olive oil, coconut oil, and any other carrier oil you can lay your hands on. It is of prime importance to read the labels or guides which comes with the oregano oil you buy.

Oregano oil can be used topically or internally
You must make sure the oregano oil you are going for is 100 percent organic and pure. It should be a therapeutic grade of oregano oil, USDA certified, and unfiltered.
It is advisable to always start with small quantities if you are using oregano oil for the first time. Like say, a 1% concentration diluted with a carrier oil. Take some observations and increase the dose if need be.
Oregano oil also exists in capsule form for internal uses as well.
A 600milligrams of oregano daily is the recommended dose. It is advisable to take oregano in two or three doses and not more than the required 600mg. Oregano oil is for short-term use. Not for a long period of time. A period of two weeks of daily intake is the recommended period of time. You might take a break and continue again after some time.
The Best Ways To Use Oregano Oil For Herpes.
If you are using oregano oil for the first time, it is much better to start with very light concentration. As low as a 1% mixture. Then, take some observations on how well it reacts to you and you can increase the dose if need be. But still, go in smaller doses.
Using oregano oil for herpes topically
For Herpes, you can mix 2-3 drops in 2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil and apply to affected areas on the skin. You can repeat two times daily for harsh herpes condition. Do not dilute oregano oil with water to use on the outer skin. Remember oil and water repel each other and can’t dilute and thereby exposing your skin to a high concentration of oregano oil.
In addition, since the virus resides mostly in the lower spine area, it is of significant importance to apply oregano oil on your lower spine at least twice daily. You will need to mix 3 drops of oregano oil with virgin coconut oil. Apply to the bottom area of your spine and just above the hips. You will have to do this in the morning and in the evening.
Internal Usage
Using oregano oil for herpes internally, You can use 2-3 drops of oregano oil into a glass of water or juice and drink. Also, you can use an empty gelatin capsule, by mixing 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a carrier oil and drink. Remember not to take oregano oil on an empty stomach.
Lastly, You can also dilute 2-3 drops of oregano oil diluted with about 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and place beneath the tongue. Hold for about 10 minutes and swallow.
Some side effects of Oregano oil

The side effects of oregano oil are not serious if taken appropriately. If you are using oregano oil for the first time, your body will react strangely and will adjust with time. You might experience some stomach upset. Nausea is also a common side effect of oregano oil. Some skin irritations might occur so remember to take oregano oil in light doses and observe how it reacts with your body.
Immediate side effects can be burning and some hot sensation. This is because oregano oil is a hot oil and can burn severely if not diluted.
Some people do not like the taste of the oil. But you will have no choice when you have discovered the goodness of oregano. The best way is to add a few drops of oregano in a glass of juice and drink directly.
Here is another important tip you should note.
Herpes is a highly recurrent virus and will always try to resist.
You might experience a few outbreaks but not too severe. Immediate tests after using oregano oil can still show positive despite the Herpes virus is inactive. No call for alarm, as this does not indicate the virus is still active.
This is for the reason being current herpes test only test for antibodies residing in the blood vessels. You will have to use oregano oil for several months for a full body detox. You will have to release all heavy metals and toxins found in the body.
The availability of toxins and heavy metals
Toxins and heavy metals provide hiding ground for these viruses. After a complete detox and the blood cleaned by using oregano for a few months you will experience the absence of herpes outbreaks. From this point in time, you can conveniently take a herpes test knowing fully well the virus is no more and even from the bloodstream.
The best practical time frame for using oregano oil for herpes
As mentioned earlier, oregano oil should be taken just for a short period of time. I normally take oregano for about 14 days. Once a day, in light doses and this is just for my general well being. Two weeks should be maxed for a typical treatment and using oregano at least 2-3 times max a day and of not more than 600mg. You can take a break for the body to adjust and continue in light doses
Do you want a much better result?

For a much better result and during a typical treatment, avoid GMO foods (That is genetically modified foods). When using oregano oils for herpes, It is highly recommended to avoid all processed foods. If our systems are provided with the correct amount of “natural things” these viruses will be eliminated. This means fewer toxins and heavy metals, equals no refuge for viruses.
Fruits and vegetables should be your main source of diet. Foods like grains, rice, pasta, bread, flour, should be avoided. Fruits like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, green apple are important. Vegetables like broccoli, kale, mustard greens, cilantro, parsley, dandelion are also important.
How and where to buy oregano oils
You can buy oregano oil at your local nutrition shops and some pharmacies carry oregano oils now. You can as well buy oregano oil online from major stores like Amazon and Walmart. Do not forget to pick the right oil. 100% pure oregano oil, organic and therapeutic grade. You should also make sure it is USDA certified.
Bottom Line
Seeking a natural and home treatment for herpes is a very good idea. Going for oregano makes it much better as oregano oil is just the best choice when sourcing natural treatments. Oregano has been used for a very long time now and studies and research can support the claims of oregano oils. All I can say is oregano is worthy to take the ride with you and the closest friend you need for kicking out herpes. You can read a full review of oregano oil on this page.
Our recommendations on the oregano oils for herpes
For capsules: Now Foods Oregano Oil Enteric Coated Softgels 90 Capsules
Oregano liquid: doTERRA Oregano Essential Oil – Supports Healthy Immune System
Carrier oils: Island Fresh Superior Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
You say to use oregano only for 2 weeks,but then you say it takes several months to be rid of herpes.Which is it?I don’t understand.
It is not advisable to take oregano oil for a long period of time, especially when dealing with chronic conditions. You can take oregano for a period of 14 days. You can take a break for at least 30 days and resume if you experience any outbreak.
So, is it three drops per day fo four two weeks?
I think the internal use of the oil is only for two weeks. Topically, it can be used daily for months. I’ve been using many essential oils for almost two decades, but never this one. I came to this site for extra knowledge as I’m using it to help clean my body of candida.
For how long should I be on this treatment if I want to be sure that the herpes is completely out of me,and thanks very much for the information,God bless you.
Normally it is not advisable to use oregano oil for a long period of time especially when dealing with chronic conditions. You can use oregano oil for as long as 14 days for severe conditions and take a break for at least 30days. You can resume if you experience any outbreak or use the oil for a normal day to day wellbeing in fewer doses, not more than once a day.
Can it cure hsv2
I can conveniently say yes based on my experience with oregano.
Daniella, is this your own personal experience in ridding your body of the HSV-2 virus? What was your highest antibodies score and how long did it take for it to reach below a score of 0.1 while using oregano oil in your treatment protocol? Did you take anything else that may have permanently rid your body of HSV?
Daniella, your experience with Oregano Oil is based on you treating yourself for Hepatitis C. You did not have HSV-2. Two very different beasts and 2 different routes of treatment as it can take more than a year to eradicate HSV-2 with Oregano Oil as well as using it in conjunction with additional supplements such as Lysine, Olive Leaf Extract, Red Marine Algae Plus, Bitter Melon, Monolaurin, Selenium, Zinc, Chlorophyll, and lots of Vitamin C with Rose Hips and Bioflavonoids to help keep the body alkaline. Very important to test yourself each day of your alkalinity. An alkaline body heals while an acidic system is weak. Get to bed at a decent hour so your body can fight the virus. Get rid of what stresses you and get outdoors for sunshine, fresh air, and stick your bare feet in to the earth. Stay away from foods high in Arginine as it feeds HSV and eat foods high in Lysine. I take 500mg+ P73 oregano oil capsules with food 2-3x/day. I take it til the bottle runs out; then I wait a week and start the next bottle. I also apply it topically diluted w/coconut oil: 11 drops Oregano oil per 1tsp of coconut oil. Note I built up to that from 4 drops. I apply it 2x/day to my lower spine as well as my lymph nodes in my groin. An outbreak means you’ve wakened the hiding beast; when it comes out, it gets zapped by the Oregano oil and it’s back up army. That’s a good thing! In 4mos my HSV-2 antibodies test went down from 14.5 to 10 !!! I’ve also had a lymphatic drainage massage and acupuncture treatment to ensure my immune system and energy are up to the fight. My health is the best it’s ever been except I still carry HSV at this time.
Hey Ellen, I thanks for sharing your experience. I never delt with Herpes but I just tried to put together some information that can be helpful for people dealing with Herpes. I agree with you, it can take some time to use oregano to deal with herpes. With your recommendations, I am sure your condition will give way slowly but surely.
Did oregano oil work for you please i need to know urgent…
Oregano oil can work for you. Its worth the try.
Awesome info… I have a question? I understand that I have to take it for 14 days then take a break. How long should I take the a break and do I have to repeat the process for the rest of my life?
You can take a break for at least 30 days and you don’t have to repeat the treatment for the rest of your life as you are supposed to be healed. You can use oregano oil for your daily wellbeing but in lesser doses and not regularly as per dealing with a chronic condition.
Thank you for the information. You said you need to take this for a few months to get rid of the virus. But you also said you should only take for 2 weeks and take a break. So should you be taking breaks during those first few months or not?
Do not exceed 14 days of using oregano oil in full doses. You can take a break for at least 30 days and resume if the condition persists.
Do you have clinical studies for this? Sorry but I’m skeptical.
Just sharing my experience with oregano. You can consult your doctor.
Are the capsules just effective as the oil. Does this have to be used in conjunction with L-Lysine pills for the 14 days?
Yes, they are effective. If you don’t like the taste of oregano, then capsules are a good option. Oregano by itself can still help you.
Someone has taken oregano for 1month but still has out breaks what do you advice she do should she keep using the oregano because she has had outbreaks higher than when she isnt taking oregano
I advise doing a full detox. Can also switch to another oregano brand and talk to a doctor about the situation..
Thanks for the info! I had the worst outbreak ever of herpes once i began taking the Oregeno oil in high dosage internally and Typically. The outbreak lasted 3 weeks. It finally is starting to clear and after reading this im going to take 30 days off.
Question should I still apply it to the lower spine daily or break from that as well? My outbreaks oddly are only on my lower spine.
I also am starting a Heavy metal detox.
Thank you in advance
You can use externally until it clears off completely.
Did it work
Having a outbreak like that is a good thing because the herpes is reacting make sure to rub it in bottom of spine and don’t eat bread pasta potatoes alkalise the body and the water you drink and come into contact with
That probably means you’re having a detox reaction and it’s clearing the virus out your system…that’s a good sign. It’s called a herxheimer reaction
Do you mean you consume the oregano 1 capsule just once a day but not taken for more than 14 days? Then take a 3 day break then take 1 capsule once a day for another 14 days? I also use it on my skin everyday mixed with coconut oil, does it help to remove herpes faster if I consume orally and apply topically ?
Oregano oil is not to be used for a long time period especially when taken internally. You can take a break for not less than a month but can still keep external application. Using oregano internally and topically proves to be more effective.
What happens if u take for more than 14 days
Oregano oil is highly concentrated and potent that can cause adverse reactions if taken for a long period of time. Oregano oil in excess can be toxic to the liver, kidney and nervous system especially when you use the oil directly. Which is why it is very important to take breaks to let the system flush out the excess which can be toxic to the liver and kidney.
How many drops a day would 600mg be?
Just use 2-3 drops for a start. For capsules, each dose should not exceed 200mg and you can take up to 600mg a day.
So I take the capsules for 2 weeks and then go get tested to make sure it’s gone? how will i know when the virus is gone?
When you do not experience any more outbreaks. You can take a test for further confirmation.
honey what was the end result ? did you get tested again ?
Did this remedy cure you of herpes?
Hi Daniela,
Did you have hep c or herpes?
Your about me says hep c but these comments say herpes! Just wanted to confirm.
Hi Jade,
I had Hep c and this post is for Herpes, not Hep C.
Hi I am unable to find a single testimonial regarding the cure. I can’t find a single person who had Herpes and used oregano oil and now no longer has it.
I was diagnosed with HSV 2 and was hoping for a herbal remedy but until someone shows facts I don’t think I can believe.
I bought oregano gel capsules. Each capsule is 100mg and the instruction says not to take more than 1 capsule (100mg) each day but you said not to take more than 600mg each day. Which one should I follow?
Hi Celine, Please, follow the instructions on the oil you purchased. Every manufacturer has their own dosage due to its mixture and carvacrol level of the oil. The carvacrol level can vary.
Did it work for anyone? Nobody’s ever said yeah but I’m hoping it does. Recent genital hsv 1 contracted from receiving oral sex.
Hello, I noticed you stated 600mg of oregano oil for 14 days. The capsules that I have states per softgel it has 375 mg of Extra virgin olive oil, 125 mg (equals 3 drops) of oregano oil & 86% Carvacrol 107 mg. It’s supposed to be a 500 mg capsule. So my question is should I be taking more capsules to equal 600 mg of oregano oil intake? (I.e. Take 5 pills = 625 mg of oregano oil that’s in the capsules) Also if that’s the case I can take 1 capsule daily without taking a break? Just make it an everyday thing and if a breakout occurs bump it up to the 5 pills a day for 14 days and back to 1 capsule after the 14 days?
It is recommended not to exceed 600mg a day. Many capsules differ in terms of the level of concentration. Can you read the required dosage on the package of the oregano capsules you are using?
Hi Daniella, I have the 500mg soft gels…Do I need to take them for just 14 days and take a break or, can I just keep taking them once a day as instructed on the bottle?
Hello John, I think you should follow the instructions on the bottle as the manufacturer best know the potency of their oregano oil and the level to which it has been diluted.
hello i am recently diagonsed with HSV2 on 7.61 how many months do i need to be completely healed off??
and how many bottles of oils??
HSV 2 IgG, Type Spec 7.61 HIGH 0.00-0.90 index 01
my HSV 1 shows negative of 0.91
Hello Joann, You can follow the recommendations on how to use oregano oil for Herpes as above (14 days max). Try to also take a full body detox and go for a check-up. Please, come back and comment on your results. Believe me, oregano can do wonders. Herpes is known to be recurrent, try to continue using oregano from time to time.
First you say it can cure. Then you say after you get a negative result that you should take oregano oil periodically because its known for being recurrent. Hmmmm
Thanks for your concern. Oregano oil can help us with many illnesses but we have to play our part to ensure preventive measures of the illness we are dealing with for an effective treatment. We were not born with some of these illnesses which means we can still get them out. The process can be difficult but we need to be consistent and try to understand the condition we are suffering from. Illnesses like Herpes, have proven to be resistant to treatment and are very deceptive. They can be resistant if only we permit them to be. Which is the reason why we must eat healthy foods and avoid non-process foods. If we take oregano oil and forget the right practices like avoiding foods that can provide refuge for the virus then we are not treating our selves effectively. As they are resistant in nature, they are likely to show up again. Which is the reason why full body detox is advised. Unfortunately, it is advisable not to take oregano oil for a long period of time especially when taking it directly compared to capsules which are properly diluted and tested by the manufacturer. Which is the reason you will have to take breaks and resume treatments. Better still, you can look for a capsule you can take daily for a long period of time and which can guarantee the same health benefits.
Hello Daniella,
Thank you so much for sharing this. I look forward to sharing the good news of completely eradicting this demon called Herpes. Now you said we should stay away from GMO foods. I have gone on fruits and veggies but does having carbs once in a while affect the healing process.
Hello May, This will be a great way for full body detox, avoid surgery foods. You can get carbs from plant foods like potatoes. Best of luck.
Hi Danielle. I had a breakout when i started this process and i just realised that i am having more breakout while the initial breakout hasnt completely gone. Is this normal
Have you ever done full body detox before? our bodies turn to react differently as certain internal conditions will start manifesting with the immediate change. In my case, I had itchy eyes, during the early days, then later I had some inner mouth sores. I talked with a doctor and she said our bodies will react with the immediate change but will give way during the process and they all did. I was doing a very intense and strict full body detox for the first time. Please talk with your health provider for professional advice on this.
Hi May,
I’m currently doing the process as well. I haven’t had full outbreaks since beginning (but did before, very often), but I can feel symptoms that have been ongoing (lots of tingling, especially in legs and genitals). As I come into week 2 of my detox and oregano oil usage the symptoms are dwindling. I’ve heard the outbreaks and symptoms are caused during this process because your body is trying even harder to fight the virus, so I wouldn’t worry as this is probably a sign of progress. Eat as clean and alkaline as possible, try to stay away from high arginine foods and add lysine supplements or high lysine foods to your diet to aid the process. Herbalist Kareem and James Destroy Diseases on youtube offer lots of help with this. It’s not easy, but it’s worth getting rid of the infection for good. Wishing you all the best, we got this!
Hi danielle.
What do you have to say about drinking water during the detox process? Any advice. Can i go ahead drinking plastic bottoed water?
Hello Chik, you can drink water during the process. It is important to drink a lot of water. As you detox you send out the impurities through urinating. 3-5 liters a day can be really good.
I heard diluted water is good. And I am going to use diluted water!
Distilled water is best
Thanks for sharing this information. I have this hsv1 – genital and struggling for years. I am planning to start this protocol. I have also started Oliver leaf extract and I heard if you take 6-8 olive leaf extract &750 mg 20% oleuropein) for 6-9 months, it might kill the virus. The issue is I ave gastric related issue and i am not good dealing with Acidic foods. Will this Oregano oil give me hard time to my gastric issue? besides can I take this olive leaf extract with this organo.? Please I am suffering with this virus…I was not having any outbreak for the past 2 years and I started drinking protein shake to gain weight and got an outbreak that stays for 4 months…i am having the worst experience of my life plus work stress,,,,please help with your experience. has any one cured using this protocol ?
Hello David, I understand your concerns but you should talk to your doctor for more professional advice. I read and I am currently researching on oregano and gastrointestinal disorders. I read from this WebMD that oregano can help with gastrointestinal conditions. You can use olive oil as your carrier oil.
Thanks Daniella – I have ordered Oregano oil, extra virgin coconut oil, 100% organic blend of olive oil, vitamin D3, cilantro alcohol-free extract liquid, seed oil, I have seen multiple youtube videos including the guy called james. I will start the protocol in 1 week…..wish me luck. if it works for me, then I will let you know the result!
Hello David, wish you the best of luck. Please, share the good news when you have your results.
You need higher strength oregano oil 80% carvacrol and high strength olive leaf
Hello. I thank God for you . I’m going to start this . I’ve lived with this filth for ten years. I’m going to be CURED!!!,oh Jesus.Thank you Miss.Daniella so so much, Happy Easter…
My boyfriend has herpes but I don’t. Can I take oregano oil internally/externally to prevent herpes contraction?
You can always use oregano oil to boost your immune system and for your general wellbeing.
Interested in this process, one question. I have prescribed medication to treat hsv2 symptoms . When I start to use your method , do I stop taking the prescribed medication as well ?
I think you need more professional advice from your doctor if you have to forgo your prescription.
Very interesting article. I recently got diagnosed hsv1 and I am looking for ways to treat it. Would oregano oil also help with the strong headaches this virus brings?
If you try to diffuse the oil, it can also help for headaches.
I did this for three months and had a really clean diet. Every morning and lunch only fruit. Every afternoon a big salad with all kinds of good foods. I drank oregano oil all the time like it was my hobby, diluted in water. Whenever I walked by the kitchen I would just drink a glass full. Also I rubbed some on my spinal column (don’t know if that actually does anything.) Anyways, I did test negative after three months of doing this. After I tested negative I did the diet and the oregano oil for another thirty days. Then I stopped everything immediately, started eating steaks and beans and chain smoking cigarettes. I didn’t take any oil. After a month of doing this I had another outbreak.
Two things. If it can be completely eradicated from the body, do yourself a favor and learn to love the diet, because I think it takes a while to do. It really is enjoyable once you get into it. Eating clean, only fruits and vegetables has done wonders for my mental health. I actually enjoy the diet a lot. This whole process will be easier if you stop thinking “when can I start eating normal again.” Get on it for the long run, learn to love it, and if you need a piece of beef a glass of wine or a cup of joe, treat yourself to it once in a while. But learn to love the fruits veggies water and sunshine.
The second thing, even if its not absolutely cured I am a living testimony that seroreversion with herpes is possible. I know every one’s going to say “ahh where’s the proof.” Well I’m just a guy on a computer and you have no clue who I am and I’m not going to put my phone number on here and no I can’t prove it to you because I’m not going to post my test result here. And even if I did you a skeptic would just say ” well that’s a forged one.” Anyways, skeptics will be skeptics and I understand. It’s tough because the mainstream information is no it can’t be cured. I still don’t know if it can be cured. But I did get a negative test result after doing this. And I think that what that means is that 1) if the diet and oregano is sustained for a long time then it can be completely eradicated or 2) seronegativity on tests means that you have a very inactive virus in your system, perhaps an intransmissable one. So I will keep on the diet, because I think it does effect the virus in the body. All I care about is not transmitting it. If the virus is in my body and inactive then it’s good enough for me. Seronegativity could be an indication of that and I know that I can achieve seronegativity and sustain it because I have done it before.
Hello Daniel, Thanks for sharing your experience.
Hi Daniella,
I started a full heavy metal detox for two weeks now (no meat) and also i follow this protocol. After one week, i got an outbreak and almost 1 week before it completely heals. Maybe you are right because our body will react to the immediate change and the outbreak maybe a good sign that our body immune system is trying hard to fight the virus.
Do i need to continue to take oregano oil internally? Or should i stop for a while? Its 14 days already since i started the protocol.
I feel healthier when i started this protocol and my skin looks more radiant. I am planning to continue until 45 days.
And i also feel that the tingling of my body is lessened now.
Hello Coco, thanks for sharing your experience. I think you should go on 45 days, avoid process foods. Take a test and see what the results are. I strongly believe if we do not give the virus to stay in us, then we can treat it.
I have been on a raw food diet as well as taking oregano oil and certain herbs for 3 months now and I’m still having outbreaks. Some serious ones at that. I know you said the virus will always try to resist but I’m 3 months in and have seen no differences in my outbreaks and so sometimes I swear it seems worse. I don’t know how much longer I can fold on to eating raw (it’s the hardest thing I’ve EVER done) and not even that it’s hard, I’m seeing NO progress. Is this normal? I don’t want to give up, but I’m withering away on this diet and I don’t even know how much longer it’ll take or if it’s even working.
From what I know and in most cases you will experience more outbreaks as such viruses find refuge from the unhealthy foods we eat. When they can find it any more then you will experience these outbreaks. I will advise you to try another oregano oil.
I did not know that the symptoms of herpes are not easily detectable even with the virus in your system. My cousin told me that he is getting a few blisters on his stomach and arms. I will recommend him to look for natural medicine so that he can get treatment.
How is everyone getting on with this?