Oregano oil is being used to crush viral infections but the question is can we let our pets enjoy this same benefits with oregano oil?
In our world today, we are experiencing a rise in acceptance for aromatherapy within the complementary alternative medicine and holistic field and it has been the dream of pet lovers who want their animal friends to benefit from these growing health developments by incorporating these new natural therapies and aromatherapy to be used for the wellbeing of their pets.
We can unanimously agree with the constant changing nature of medical knowledge, the availability of new information, the rise of peer to peer treatment recommendation, suggestions and the use of common sense only gives rise for individuals to accept the idea and go a little further to think it can be “possible” and “why not give it a try”?
But is it a good idea?
Using essential oils for pets has been received with mixed feelings and it is pulling waves of contradictory information around the internet. What we all know is, animal lovers want the best for their little cuties but not much has been done in the field of science to place animals fit for the use of essential oils. The majority of the information flying out here is drawn from mere individual experiences and not backed by any scientific study.
With this huge data of “experiences” can we proudly or safely deduce conclusively that using essential oils or specifically oregano oil can be a healthy choice for our pets? But it is important to understand, they can be different things to be considered for any experience achieved, like the way of life of the pet, the breed, its feeding habits, age, gender and many other characteristics that can make each experience to be different and makes it very difficult to pass a single judgment.
With our experience using oregano oil…
There have been a great number of studies carried out which clearly investigates the properties of oregano oil and was able to conclude oregano’s potentials are far-reaching with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-parasite, anti-allergic and anti-oxidant effects when it comes to using oregano oil.
Many have been able to achieve health benefits using oregano oil beyond the kitchen as a spice. With such experiences with oregano, our hands are forced to use the outstanding oil for our pets.
Following the controversial information flooding the media today with the negative discoveries of using Pharmaceutical anti-biotic, compared to natural alternatives like oregano has also made oregano lovers and pet lovers to consider sharing the benefits with their pets. It is largely known those antibacterial which are being administered today to patients do not only kill the bad bacterias but also the good once. “Dogs Naturally” even recommends oil of oregano as a great source of antibiotics for dogs.
Many poultry farmers today have even dropped the use of pharmaceutical antibiotics in their chicken feed and replaced them with the use of oregano with claims oregano has brought about the best antimicrobial benefits compared to when they fully used conventional antibiotics.
I understand it can be frustrating to fall upon such a healthy remedy but without much information for your pet to take advantage of the health benefits as well, especially when there are common bugs and viral infections that may affect your pets which can be treated by administering the oil of oregano to your pets and animals.
If we have to look at this whole issue of whether our pets can safely use oregano oil logically, aren’t some of the studies and research carried out about oregano oil and to discover its health benefits administered on animals, like mice? Does this boil down to the method or how the oil can be administered?
Are you considering giving your pet oregano oil?

If you are considering allowing your pet to partake with the benefits of oregano oil, it is important to carry out some research about oregano oil and with the circumstances available and under which your pet will be taking the oil. The information you may stumble upon may not always emphasize a safe use or elaborates on the application to the actual usage with an animal.
Also, if you are all bent to use oregano oil for your pet always remember to obtain professional advice from your veterinarian or a professional aromatherapist with trained knowledge on animal aromatherapy. Do not forget to mention if your pet has any allergies and if undergoing any serious health problems before using oregano oil. This is because the use of essential oils is not recommended with certain health conditions.
Using oregano oil or any other essential oil for cats (felines) can cause serious problems due to their sensitive metabolic systems. Cats’ internal organs like the kidneys and liver have limited enzymes to break down certain substances which explain the limited usage of essential oils with cats.
When it comes to dogs, horses, and other farm animals, the majority of the experiences have been with the usage of oregano oil topically. This has been through massage therapy, spot applications, skin treatments, and hoofs or paw care. Inhalation therapy through diffusion can also be used and the majority of the times passively as the infused aromatic oil spreads its healing properties into the environment.
Do not use oregano oil for the following pets;
- Cats due to their sensitive metabolic systems
- Birds due to their respiratory and metabolic system
- Fish and reptiles due to their aquatic nature and pH levels.
- Small mammals like hamsters, rabbits, gerbils etc.
Administering oregano oil internally to your pet.

If you want to give your pet oregano oil internally, it should never be pure oregano oil. Always remember oregano is not to be used in full strength as it is always recommended to dilute oregano oil with a good quality carrier oil. This can be an organic virgin coconut oil or a good quality olive oil.
For dogs…
The recommended dose is one teaspoon of the coconut oil or olive oil with a drop of oregano oil.
It is said a drop of oregano oil in your dog’s food can provide a strong defense against viral, bacterial, and fungal issues, water-borne diseases, and acts as a dewormer.
Adding a drop of oregano to your dog’s toothpaste can be good for oral health. It is good for getting rid of bacteria that can cause gum problems.
It is also said oregano can be used for giardia.
If your dog is vulnerable to seizures oregano is not recommended.
Some individuals who have used oregano oil for their dogs state it is good to;
Solve simple behavioral and health problems, reduce stress which is the major cause of diseases, Calm the nerves, and increase trainability and to create a deeper bond connection between you and your dog.
Also, it helps to keep your dogs immune system in good condition, You can prevent a flea infestation without giving your dog too many chemicals.
Some Safe practices with oregano oil;
- Always remember to dilute oregano oil before giving it to your pet internally or externally.
- Always remember to use high therapeutic grade oregano oil from reputable suppliers.
- Keep oregano oil tightly closed and out of reach of children and your pet.
- Do not administer oregano in any form to a pregnant animal.
- Always pay attention to the label and cautious features and follow the instructions.
- If your pet shows signs of vomiting, depression, mouth sores, tremors, lethargy, weakness, too much drooling, salivation seizures, diarrhea, short term paralysis, and an increase in liver enzymes after the use of oregano oil, then it is necessary to see a vet immediately.
- Never apply oregano oil directly on an animal’s muzzle area, inside nostrils, inside ears, and genital area.
- Keep oregano oil away from animals’ eyes. If oregano oil mistakenly gets inside the eyes or sensitive area, use water to flush the area repeatedly. You can also use a sterile saline solution to clear the oil from the area or use milk as it will absorb the essential oil residue.
- Never force oregano oil to an animal by way of a muzzle mask breather-type device.
- If irritations like coughing, breathing issues occur when applying oregano oil topically or through diffusing and inhalation techniques, stop immediately, and if symptoms persist, refer to your vet regarding the problems.
- Do not apply the Rain Drop Therapy with oregano to your pet. This can cause allergic reactions, sensitization, skin sensitivity, dermal burns, respiratory difficulties, toxic overload, and other serious health problems.
- Always remember to use less oil for your pet. Never think as it has far-reaching health benefits, then more is better when it comes to essential oils especially hot oils like oregano.
- If you are using oregano oil in barns, kennel, poultry type facilities, always remember to keep the oil in aromatherapy-safe containers in a secured and locked cabinet.
- Also, be thoughtful to remember your stable/barn/kennel/poultry mates and other animal friends in cases of mixed animal facilities. Always, remember oregano is not for every animal.
Oregano is a natural oil that can crush viral infection in your pets and animals but it is always important to consult professional advice before any use of the oil. It is always important to dilute oregano oil before use and a single drop in your pets’ food is the recommended dosage. You can use a drop in a teaspoon of coconut oil for topical use. Please, leave a comment below with your experience using oregano oil for your pet’s general wellbeing.