Using Oregano Oil As An Insect Repellent.

Written by Daniella

March 1, 2019

Oregano oil

Many are still not well informed about the far-reaching benefits of oregano oil including its repellency nature. Many research and studies have been able to conveniently establish science-based claims on how oregano oil can be an effective insect repellent.

To answer the question, Can oregano oil be used as an effective insect repellent? The answer is Yes, oregano oil can be used as a natural insect repellent due to the compounds called carvacrol, thymol, and p-cymeme found in oregano. These natural compounds have made it possible to use oregano as an insect repellent.

There has been a remarkable switch today from using insecticides that are toxic to humans and which goes a long way to pollute our environment to an alternative of essential oils produced from plants that are natural and pose no threat to our society and our wellbeing.

Studies on oregano and it’s repellent nature on insects

In Mexico, maize is the most significant crop cultivated and the maize weevil (Sitophilus Zeamais Motschulsky) and the Prostephanus truncates, usually cause huge damage to the stored maize. Insecticides were being used to control the insects but as we all know, the results would never be pleasant as these insecticides will normally do their job but at the end of the day live us with serious health issues due to the toxic nature of these insecticides.

A study was done using oregano oil with the aim to evaluate the effect of oregano oil on repellence, emergence, and mortality of the maize weevil and larger grain borer. The results were outstanding as all weevil died within 48 hours of use while 92% of larger grain borer died within 72 hours. The repellency index showed total repellence at 24 hours. The study concluded oregano oil concentration and time were the most important variable in controlling both insects and species.

Insect repellents

Another research which was carried out for the vector-borne diseases which were usually transmitted to humans and animal through mosquito bites and ticks (Arthropods) carrying one or more infected pathogens. It was found out that the insects were repelled by 100% when carvacrol, linalool, p-cymene and thymol found in the oregano oil were abundant.

With these study, we can answer the widely asked questions of “is oregano a mosquito repellent?” and we can understand the possibilities to use oregano as a mosquito repellent.

What you really need to know…

It is important to understand that Arthropod transmitted diseases that are always transmitted between humans and animals through mosquitos and ticks bites, causes serious problems in our society today and for our domesticated animals we cater and live with.

It is very easy to get infected as we step out of our comfort zones and into unknown environments with no idea of what insects might be waiting or existing in such environments.

This is particularly true with people who travel from one place to another without adequate preparation and protection. It is important to note these insects carrying infected pathogens harmful for humans can be present almost everywhere in our habitable world.

An example can be the lone star ticks (Amblyomma americanum) that are long known and recognized in the United States as “nuisance biters” are known to inhibit vectors on harmful pathogens with a hunting type host-seeking behavior that can cause serious health issues.

The Aedes aegypti also known as the famous yellow fever mosquito are notorious for health hazards and recognized as nuisance biters plaguing our society today.

How can we protect ourselves?

Personal protection is by far very important from mosquito and ticks bites causing serious health consequences in our society today. Proper protection can be obtained through the use of repellents which are even recommended by the USA CDC.  There exist numerous insect repellent products that can be used on the skin and even on our clothing.

natural mosquito repellent protection.

With the growing level of research and developments, public interests are now focused on chemical-free and non-synthetic chemical products or better say plant-based repellents. The majority of the existing plant-based repellents are known to repel a broad spectrum of insects and arthropods not leaving out blood-feeders which are known to pose no threats to plants.

Oregano (oreganum vulgare) has been documented on many occasions to possess the repellent activities required to prevent and protect ourselves from these health issues posed by these arthropods in our society. Oregano oil is known to be toxic to the Rhipicephalus turanicus Pomerantsev and the Am americanum ticks.

A good example and to reject any notion of heresy, a study was carried out with oregano oil to evaluate the repellency attributes to the Aede-borne famous Zika virus recently which has been known to spread fear throughout our society rose serious medical concerns. Also, the clinical symptoms of Zika virus are known to have been linked to pathogens in cases discovered in newborns from affected mothers.

When oregano oil was used, the results were overwhelmingly victorious over the Zika virus with an estimated repellent nature of 95% with a confidence interval.

Why oregano should be your best take…

  • Oregano oil comes handy and can be easily obtained over the counter of pharmacies or online from reputable online stores.
  • It is all-natural and very easy to use. The trend today is plant-based remedies and oregano offers all in its natures benefit.
  • The compounds found in oregano oil namely, thymol, carvacrol, linalool, and p-cymene offer higher repellency rates used combined
  • Oregano oil is cheaper and can be used for a very long period of time as just a few drops are required per use.
  • Oregano is not a one way used product. Oregano oil has numerous health benefits far from just being an insect repellent. It can act as an antioxidant, antiparasitic, anti-allergenic, and antiviral substance.
  • Easy to use with no complex steps and difficulty in understanding.

How to use oregano essential oil as an insect repellent?

Oregano oil has been used for many years as an insect repellent and even to animals by many who were quick to discover the benefits of the oil. Oregano can even be used as an antiseptic surface wipe in the kitchen and living area.

The best ways to use oregano oil as an insect repellent;

  • Dilute a few drops (2 to 3) of oregano with a carrier oil (one teaspoon) and rub on your exposed skin.
  • Another suitable way is to use a spray bottle that you can carry along with you everywhere you go and especially traveling out of the country to unfamiliar grounds. Use about 5 – 6 drops of oregano in a 250 ml spray bottle filled with water. Remember to shake thoroughly before use and spray on exposed skin. Remember to spray after every 40 minutes to an hour.
  • You can also use air vaporizer method by diffusing oregano oil in your living area and rooms before going to bed. You can use 5 – 6 drops of oregano in your diffuser and let on for a few hours.
  • Also, you can as well prepare a mixture of oregano and water which can be used to wipe surfaces and cupboards in the kitchen and living area to keep the fleas away or even cockroaches if you see them around your house.

Through the vaporization method, the oregano will also help to clear your respiratory tract and fight against any viral air born viruses.

Using Oregano as a mosquito repellent.

Mosquitos are by far the most irritating and dangerous to our health. Using oregano oil as a mosquito repellent can be a great idea. As mentioned earlier, you can diffuse oregano oil in your home to keep mosquitos away from your home. When traveling, you can prepare an oregano spray and spray on your skin to keep the mosquitos away.

Well, you have it all, but it is very important to talk with your doctor or a health professional before using oregano oil in any way. It is important to know that oregano oil is not to be used by pregnant and nursing mothers. If you are diabetic oregano is known to lower blood sugar levels especially when taking the oil internally.

Using oregano oil on your skin cannot be a good idea if you are allergic to plants of the Lamiaceae family. If using oregano on your skin and you experience any redness or rashes you should discontinue and see a doctor.

It is always important to use good quality and natural therapeutic grade of oregano oil. Make sure the oil is rich in thymol, and carvacrol.

Share your experience using oregano oil as an insect repellent and how it worked with you so we can all learn from your experience.

Check out our review of the top 11 organic and therapeutic grades of oregano oils from well known and reputable manufacturers with full compliance of the best practices of producing oregano oil. Their oils caught our interest right from the quality and the beneftits they bring…Learn More

DISCLAIMER: The information on this post has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

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