Can Oregano Oil Treat Rosacea?
We may be thinking as we grow old some of the skin conditions we believe are only common during our teenage era will give way but
Many have tried numerous over the counter treatments, acne wash,
Reading further will enlighten you about rosacea, what it is for a better understanding of how to easily fight against the issue, the types of rosacea, symptoms, and why oregano should replace your rosacea treatments if they have not been showing any signs of hope.
What is rosacea?
Rosacea is a skin disorder that involves chronic inflammation of various parts of the face like the chin, nose, forehead, cheeks, or the eyelids (1). Rosacea is known to cause extensive redness, swelling, vascularity, and hyperplasia.
The condition is known to last for a very long time especially if neglected during the early stages of the disease. Rosacea can lead to thicker skin during the later stages. This skin condition is mostly seen in people with fair skin and with women, typically during menopause (2) and only affects the face.
Rosacea can lead to permanent redness around the center of the face if the condition is not addressed during the early stages. The reason many people fail to tackle the skin condition during the early stages is that they self diagnose the condition as an
It will then start spreading slowly but steadily to the nose, chin, forehead, and other areas of the face. It is even knick named as adult acne for cases with people above the ages of 30 and above (3).
What makes rosacea a more serious condition compared to acne is for the fact that it does not only affects the outer layer of the skin but affects the entire blood vessel of the face.
Rosacea can even show up in the neck, scalp, ears, and on the back. A severe or acute type of the skin condition is known as Keratitis, which is infection and inflammation of the cornea whereby, the vessels of the eyes are also infected which leads to pain in the eye, high sensitivity to light and blurring of vision (3a)
Dealing with rosacea can be really challenging but it is important to know you are not alone. It is not something for you alone but over 16 million Americans are dealing with rosacea (4).
What causes rosacea?
The actual cause of rosacea has not been determined yet but some doctors believe the condition comes about when the blood vessels expand too easily and causing flushing. Some others believe the disease can be inherited from the family. It is also said people who blush too often are more likely to get rosacea.
Here are some triggers of rosacea;
- Sunlight
- Heat
- Hot bath
- Heavy exercise
- Winds
- Very cold temperature
- Hot or spicy foods and drinks
- Alcohol
- Emotional stress
- Menopause
- Using steroids on the face for a long time
Many people turn to believe rosacea and pimples are caused by bacteria but there has not been any scientifical prove or a clear link between rosacea and bacteria (5)

Some signs and symptoms of rosacea.
- Experiencing frequent redness on the center of the face, usually around the chin, cheeks, nose, and forehead.
- Maybe experiencing some burning sensation and slight swelling
- You might experience some tiny red lines beneath the skin. These lines are exposed when the blood vessels beneath the skin get larger. The area is characterized by a swollen, warm, and red skin.
- Some bumps with constant redness on the skin. Bumps may appear like pimples with pus inside. These bumps can later be very painful.
- Very inflamed eyes and eyelids
- Men are most susceptible to a swollen nose. The nose can be red, bumpy and larger (6)
- Skin can become thicker around the face on areas like the cheek and chin.
- Some larger pores may be seen
- Patchy, rough and dry kin is possible (7)
Some common types of rosacea
Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea; This type of rosacea is associated with swelling redness and acne-like breakouts
Papulopustular rosacea; Almost similar to erythematotelangiectatic rosacea with redness, swelling, and acne-like breakouts
Phymatous rosacea; Thicken skin with a bumpy texture.
Ocular rosacea; Eyes are seen red and irritated, eyelids can be inflamed and might be taken for sty.
There are no specific procedures to diagnose rosacea but a doctor can run a diagnose base on the symptoms and some physical examination (8). The doctor may be required to pay attention to the facial characteristics like flushing, telangiectasia, nontransient erythema, papules which are the sub-conditions of rosacea.
Laboratory testing is not considered useful, but the doctor may want to rule out all possibilities of misdiagnosing the condition for another similar skin condition like eczema, psoriasis, acne, and lupus (9). These other skin conditions can cause similar signs and symptoms.
In situations whereby the eyes are infected, the patient may be required to visit an ophthalmologist.
Why oregano oil is the best option for your rosacea condition.
Many rosacea patients have been all over, trying all kinds of over the counter treatments, including antibiotics to fight rosacea but many still remain unsatisfied as a full restoration of their skin is not achieved. These medications only minimize the symptoms but not addressing the root cause of the skin condition in a proper way.
Some of these medications will only deal with the redness and spots but when the condition is triggered they resurface again as if they were never gone. Many even go to the extent of having surgery for a better skin appearance but the results are not always effective (11).
First of all, oregano is an organic and natural home treatment that has been used for thousands of years by ancient healers to fight skin and respiratory conditions. Many people are falling out with antibiotics today as it is well known to destroy both the good and bad bacteria in our system. Natural treatments are now considered the way to go.
Oregano oil is well known for its anti-inflammation properties which makes it a perfect fit for rosacea. More still, oregano is known to kill many types of unwanted microorganisms. Some other properties of oregano oil include anti-bacterial, anti-virus, anti-parasitic, anti-oxidants which can jointly fight against numerous ailments including skin conditions similar to rosacea. Many rosacea patients who use oregano oil are known to experience an 80% to 90% improvement in their rosacea condition.
The most important and active ingredients of oregano are phytochemicals, phenols, and flavonoids which are great to fight against numerous health issues. One of the active ingredients (carvacrol) with full potential comprises over 75% of the oil. Carvacrol has been researched to contain effective anti-inflammatory properties which can greatly help for inflammation conditions like rosacea.
How to use oregano oil for rosacea
Before using oregano oil for any condition, it is very important to visit your doctor or any professional health practitioner for more professional advice. Also, oregano oil can be allergic. For individuals allergic to mint, sage, basil, and marjoram then oregano cannot be a great choice as they all belong to the same family class (Lamiaceae plant family). Pregnant and nursing mothers are not allowed to use oregano oil as oregano can be bad for the fetus and slows the free flow of milk for nursing mothers. Diabetic patients are also

The best way to use oregano oil for rosacea
To experience the best out of using oregano oil for your rosacea condition, it is important to take oregano oil both orally and externally.
Externally, mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and apply gently on the affected areas. For
Orally, you will have to mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water or any beverage of your choice. If you find the taste of oregano oil to be unfavorable, then you can take oregano capsules. You can also make your own oregano capsule by mixing 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and fill it up in empty gelatin capsules. It is advisable not to exceed 600mg of oregano in a single day.
Oregano oil is not to be used or taken orally for a long period of time especially when used directly. You can always use oregano oil for 14 days max and take a brief break and resume if need be.
Preventive practices
Only you can play a key role in preventing and taking care of your rosacea condition. Below are a few steps to guide you.
- It is very important to keep a written note of when you experience flares. This can greatly help you to discover what can trigger your skin.
- Always remember to use a sunscreen every day and especially ones that protect against UVA and UVB rays. It is important to confirm it has a sun-protecting factor (SPF) of 15 or above.
- Use a lubricant if it helps your condition and avoid any irritating products on the face
- If your rosacea is causing issues to the eyes, try to see an eye specialist and clean your eyes as recommended.
- Some rosacea patients feel bad about their looks but stress is one of the triggers of rosacea. If you have signs of depression, talk with a doctor.
Oregano oil can be a great deal for your rosacea condition as it has made it possible for others by improving their appearance by over 80% to 90% from using oregano oil. It is important to use oregano internally and externally for the best results. It is of prime importance to make sure the oregano oil to be used is 100% organic and pure therapeutic grade oregano oil. Always remember to dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil before use. You can also, use oregano capsules for convenience. Share your experience below and inspire others with what oregano has been able to do for you.
Awesome post.
Thanks for the support.
I have spent the last 3 years or more dealing with rosacea with it being the worst the last year. I have tried one OTC med and many different cleansing/moisturizing products, my skin is also very dry and sensative. I tried oregano essential oil from doterra with johoba oil, per your suggestion and I am amazed at the improvement! I feel I finally have control and I thank you so so much!!! I think I may finally have my nice skin back!! Thank you again!
Hey Paula, thanks for your feedback. I am happy you are experiencing success with oregano.