Asking Your Self Why Does Oregano Oil Burn?

It is not strange to have second thoughts about the burning nature of oregano oil even for the fact that it is all-natural. We always believe nature’s products are often conducive to be used. We can only accept nature’s products when they are user-friendly. Especially when it is for our own health benefits. Essential oils are known to possess outstanding health benefits but can also harm us if not used with caution. Even though they are all-natural, it doesn’t “brandish” them as harmless. Treat essential oil with much care and respect.
Now we have all the reasons for a second thought and to figure out why does oregano oil burn even with its far-reaching health benefits.
Oregano oil is an essential oil and an outstanding extract of nature but if not used properly you might turn to believe nature is against you. Essential oils are distilled naturally but are known to be toxic in some situations.
The True Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is derived from the wild plant Origanum vulgare, being wild but yet still distilled all-natural and chemical-free. Not even solvents are used in the distillation process which makes it surprisingly potent. The wild oregano grows in the Mediterranean mountainous region of Greece, Turkey, and Some parts of Spain. Many have been using the oregano dried leaves as a spice for pizzas and pasta. It is referred to as the joy of the mountain and for thousands of years, its healing powers have never been neglected.
It is only with the high potency of oregano oil that we can experience the full benefits of the oil. But the components and ingredients that bare these benefits are responsible for its naturally pungent and strong nature.
Components of oregano oil
The active ingredients of oregano are Carvacrol and Thymol which are known to constitute over 90% of the oil. Making the oil highly potent and strong to use. Oregano oil is also known to contain other ingredients like Gamma-Terpinene, p-Cymene, and Linalool.
Carvacrol Presence in Oregano Oil

Carvacrol is itself the major active constituent of oregano essential oil can range between 60% to about 83% in concentration. It is worthy to note carvacrol is a substituted phenol and just as eugenol which is highly corrosive to tissue.
Oregano essential oil with lower concentrations of Carvacrol is not too effective and not of full strength. It is always recommended to use therapeutic grade oregano oil with carvacrol percentage up to 80% to reap the full benefits of oregano oil. The minimum you can go for can be 75% of carvacrol concentration if you want to enjoy some of the benefits of the oil. Below 75% of carvacrol can still be a good decision but will not possess the same healing powers as with a higher concentration.
It is a common practice for some companies to dilute their oregano oil and still list it as 75%, 80%, or whatever concentration the original carvacrol level was. This has made some oregano users claim the oregano oil they used did not burn or irritate even with direct use. This can either be the oregano oil has been diluted and not mentioned on the label or the user has some kind of superpowers or he/she is a “superman”.
Always try to find out if the oregano oil you are using is diluted. Never make the mistake of applying undiluted oregano oil of higher carvacrol concentration directly on your skin. Worst of it all using it internally. Believe me, you will regret the day you ever met oregano essential oil.
Another mistake you can make is to buy oregano oil without a specification label. In this case, you won’t be able to understand the concentration levels and how to dilute the oil properly for the best results. What makes it even worst is you can burn really bad if not use the oil properly.
Thymol as an active ingredient of Oregano oil
Thymol which is also an active ingredient of oregano oil is also an alkyl substitute of phenol. Due to the toxic nature of thymol in high concentration, it is important to seek oregano oil with less concentration of thymol. A concentration of even less than 2% is required.
Even with the toxic nature of thymol, it is very active in the healing process of many health issues. Thymol is highly used in mouthwash and food preservatives.
With the high presence of phenol derivatives in oregano oil, it is of no doubt it’s burning and irritating characteristics is attributed to these ingredients. In this case, always use oregano oil with care and properly.
Calls for concern
Firstly before using oregano oil in any way, it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor or from a professional health practitioner.
It is important to note oregano interacts with certain medications. If you are taking blood-thinning medication it is advisable to stay away from oregano oil. Oregano oil facilitates the flow of blood and can cause higher than normal blood circulation.
If you are a diabetes patient, oregano oil is known to lower blood sugar levels. It is advised to not take oregano oil when dealing with diabetes. You can get medical advice from your doctor and most probably your medications can be moderated.
Oregano oil can also cause allergic reactions or irritations if you are allergic to plants of the Lamiaceae family. These plants may include Basil, Mint, Rosemary, Sage, and Marjoram.
Nursing and pregnant mothers are advised to stay away from oregano oil
Lastly, always make sure the oregano oil you are planning to use is a 100% therapeutic grade and pure. It should be unfiltered, undiluted and free from any chemicals and pesticides. Most importantly it should be organically grown and wild. The manufacturer must comply with the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices).
How to avoid burns with oregano oil.
Always remember oregano oil is a hot oil and not to be used directly on the skin or ingested without being diluted. Oregano oil must be diluted before used with carrier oils. Carrier oils commonly used are olive oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil. Also, stick to natural oils.
It is advisable to always use oregano oil in smaller concentrations for observations and to stay clear of irritations if you are allergic. Start with smaller doses of say 1% and you can increase the dosage if necessary. You can try a very small diluted quantity of the oil first on other parts of the body and observe how it reacts with you. You can undertake a patch test at least 24 hours before use.

If you want to take oregano oil internally, you can mix a few drops in water and drink. The taste is not very interesting, I must warn. You can likewise mix a few drops in your favorite juice. Remember not to take oregano oil on an empty stomach.
Oregano oil also exists in capsule forms which makes it very convenient to use. The liquid form is only popular because it was the only traditional method of use. However, many companies are bringing to market oregano oil in gelatin capsules. It is advisable not to exceed 600mg daily. You can take 2-3 doses per day and not above 600mg
You can as well buy empty gelatin capsules and mix your oregano oil with your preferred carrier oil and take internally.
If dealing with an ear infection, do not drop oregano oil directly into your ear canal. You can rub on the outer ear and massage gently for easy penetration.
Most importantly, keep out of reach especially from children.
Some Side Effects of Oregano aside from burns.

Oregano oil can decrease the supply of milk for nursing mothers. This is one of the reasons oregano oil is not suitable for nursing and pregnant women. When consumed in large amounts can possibly lead to miscarriage.
As mentioned earlier, oregano can cause allergic reactions to individuals allergic to the Lamiaceae family plants. You can experience redness and rashes on the body. Oregano can cause stomach upset for some people when using internally. But in some cases will seize after several uses.
If you are preparing for a surgery, avoid the use of oregano about 2 weeks before your operation. This is because oregano oil can increase bleeding.
Even though oregano is known as the “joy of the mountain” believe me it can’t be a nightmare in your home if not used properly with respect and care. To enjoy the health benefits of oregano oil, please try to use the oil with precaution. Take your time to do some research and understand oregano oils much better before attempting to use it in any way. Take a trip to your doctor and seek professional advice. Don’t get too excited and with all joy to eradicate any disease misuse the oil. If that be the case, sorry to say, you will have many more issues to deal with coupled with the disease.