How Do I Take Oregano Oil?

Written by Daniella

August 27, 2018

100% organic grade oregano

Best Ways On How To Take Oregano Oil

You must have come across the outstanding health benefits of oregano oil and wondering how you can take this wonderful Oil in other to get the best outcome and experience. Knowing how to take oregano oil and how much to take is of prime importance when you need to get the best of it.

Oregano oil is well known today for its far-reaching health benefits and many have been able to get the best experience and some majority of others have not been able to get the desired outcome from using oregano oil. This might simply be because they were not able to follow the right practices of using oregano oil.

You will have to read further to know how you can use oregano oil and for which conditions. Learn the best practices that will expose you to the benefits of oregano everyone out there is talking about.

Do you know?

Oregano oil has been used for over 2500 years by ancient traditional healers for fighting against indigestion, cold, and stomach issues? It was also used by Chinese traditional healers for respiratory problems and further to burst the immune system.

Right-back in time, oregano was used in so many ways to derive the best out this precious plant commodity, and as time evolved numerous research was done to improve and develop how well we can conveniently take oregano oil and experience the best out of it.

Before we go any further, oregano also called Origanum vulgare is a plant that grows wild in the Mediterranian mountainous areas and belongs to the Lamiaceae (Labiatae) mint family of plants.

Oregano oil is derived from the oregano plant through a steam distillation process. It is through this process that a medicinal-grade of oregano oil with high concentration is obtained. Over 1,000 pounds of oregano leaves are used to produce just about one pound of oregano oil.

How to use oregano oil

The constituents of oregano oil are made up of 2 active components, carvacrol and thymol which are attributed for the high anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties The carvacrol found in Oregano oil can range to over 83% with certain harvests and a variety of other compounds like phenols, rosmarinic acid, ursolic acid, triterpenes and oleanolic acid which leaves oregano oil as a hot oil. This is due to the sensation they will leave you with when used topically or a burning and spicy sensation when used internally.

This implies much caution is required when using oregano oil as it can burn so bad. To safely use oregano oil or any other hot oil, it is highly recommended to dilute before any application in other to tone down the strength and concentration. A generous amount of a carrier oil is always required to meet this need.

Some call for concern

Oregano oil can do all the best for you but it is very important to always talk to a doctor before using oregano oil. Oregano oil is known to interfere with other medications and can cause some complications.

If you are dealing with diabetes, you will have to stay away from oregano oil or talk with your doctor about using oregano oil as oregano oil can lower the blood sugar levels. Also, if you are taking any anticoagulation medications, it is advisable not to use oregano oil as oregano is known to promote the flow of blood. In case you have to take oregano oil then you will have to talk to your doctor and considering reducing the dosage of your medication.

If you are allergic to the Lamiaceae plant family, then you must avoid the use of oregano as it belongs to the same family of plants (Lamiaceae). Plants of this family may include mint, sage, basil, and marjoram. If you are allergic to these plants, then you are possibly allergic to oregano as well.

Nursing and pregnant mothers are also advised not to use oregano oil in any way. Oregano oil can lower the production of milk for nursing mothers which is the last thing to wish for as a nursing mother. Oregano oil can also cause a great problem to the fetus which makes it not a suitable choice for pregnant ladies.

How you can use oregano oil.

Taking oregano oil internally

Oregano oil is available in liquid form, capsules, and tablets which is quite convenient to use. You can as well use oregano oil topically, internally, and through steam inhalation. Oil of oregano doses can differ from person to person and what condition you are trying to treat. It is highly advisable to always start with smaller doses and increase dosage if need be.

Using Oregano Oil Topically

Sometimes we may find our self’s battling with some skin conditions which might require attention and treatment topically. Some health issues which will require the topical use of oregano oil can include eczema, rashes, ringworms, acne, ear infections, cold sores, and nail fungal. Topical applications of oregano oil will require you to dilute the concentration of oregano oil with a carrier oil of your choice.

You can mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and apply on the body.

It is very important to undertake a patch test to check if you are allergic to oregano oil. You can try by applying a small amount of oregano mixed with a carrier oil on a specific less exposed area of the body. You can observe for over 24 hours and see how the oil will react with you.

For conditions like athlete’s foot, you can add 5-6 drops of oregano oil in a bowl of water and place the affected area in the water mixture. This can be done 2-3 times a day.

Using oregano oil internally.

With some chronic situations, it will be important to take oregano oil internally in other to fight the bacteria or virus from within for effective healing. It is advisable not to use the full strength of oregano oil and not on an empty stomach. Conditions for which you can use oregano oil internally can include chronic external ailments that require the virus to be dealt with right from the bloodstream.

You can dilute 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drink internally 2-3 times a day. You can as well use a glass of milk if you are not fond of the taste of oregano oil. Also, you can mix with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and place it under the tongue for a few minutes and swallow.

For the best oral care, you can add a single drop of oregano oil on your toothpaste and brush your teeth normally.

Using Oregano soft Gels, and capsules.

Oregano Capsules

Using oregano capsules can be quite convenient when you can’t stand the taste and smell of the oregano oil. Also, if you are on the road or traveling, you can take your bottle with you and take your oregano oil capsules as you go.

You can take 2 capsules 2-3 times daily and not exceed over 600mg a day.

You can make your own oregano oil capsules by mixing 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and fill up your empty gelatin caps.

Using Oregano Oil through Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation of oregano oil is very effective for respiratory conditions. You can add 5-6 drops of oregano oil in a bowl of hot water and place a towel over the head to inhale the steam when dealing with cold and flu. Most often, you can use a diffuser or air vaporizer with the house to purify the atmosphere. This can be done a few hours in the bedroom and before going to bed.

Making An Oregano Tea

You can make some digestive aid tea from the leaves of oregano. This can be easily made if you are growing some oregano in your garden. You can as well buy a readymade oregano tea and place it in a cup of hot water for a period of 10 minutes and drink internally.

Adding Dry Oregano Leaves In A meal.

Today oregano leaves are used in so many meals for culinary purposes. You must have come across the use of dry oregano leaves in Pizzas, Pasta, and tomatoes Sauces. Also, fresh oregano leaves are always used in salads and other healthy meals.


It is always advisable to go for 100% organic and therapeutic grade oregano oil free from additives, chemicals, filters, and solvents. It is also important to use a carrier oil to dilute and never to use oregano oil in full strength. If you are facing difficulties to use the liquid form of oregano, then it is advisable to use the capsules and soft gels.

Check out our review of the top 11 organic and therapeutic grades of oregano oils from well known and reputable manufacturers with full compliance of the best practices of producing oregano oil. Their oils caught our interest right from the quality and the beneftits they bring…Learn More

DISCLAIMER: The information on this post has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

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  1. Rosemary Vasan

    When is the best time to take 2 drops of oregano oil mixed with a carrier oil? Before a meal or with food? Thank you!

    • Daniella

      It is not advisable to take oregano oil on an empty stomach. So it is best after a meal.


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