Using Oregano Oil For Stomach Problems

It is commonplace to find yourself dealing with some digestive or stomach issues but we turn to ignore them or talk less about them. We can get a little gassy, bloated, experiencing some constipation, heartburns, and even diarrhea. It is always attributed to the things we eat and let the healing take a natural course. But what we need to know is we are simply postponing an aggravated situation for the future. We will later face some complicated stomach problems due to our negligence in the first place. Now is the time to learn to use oregano oil for stomach problems.
Using oregano oil for stomach problems can get you immediate relief and goes a long way to prevent any further stomach complications we might face if we neglect to take action. Oregano oil and its composition of Carvacrol and thymol are known to arrest these bacterias and viruses causing stomach problems.
Here is what you will get from this post
The different types of stomach complications which common today and experienced by many. Why oregano oil can be the right choice to limit the prevalence is these stomach issues. How to use oregano oil for quick and immediate relief from stomach problems.
A brief information about oregano oil.
Oregano oil has been used as a traditional and natural remedy by ancient healers for thousands of years. Oregano is a wild plant that commonly grows in the Mediterranean Mountainous areas of Greece, Turkey, and Spain and in many cases has been referred to as the joy of the mountain.
Oregano oil is well known since back in the days for its numerous health benefits and far-reaching healing powers. Oregano oil is anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic due to the high level of carvacrol and thymol found in the final distilled extract of the oregano plant.
What you need to watch out for;
It is very important to know oregano oil is a strong and hot oil to be used with a lot of precaution and care. Especially when you are required to use the oil internally. Oregano oil must always be diluted before use even when you have used the oil before.
Oregano oil is not to be used in any way by pregnant and nursing mothers. If you are dealing with diabetes the oil is not an option for you as oregano oil can lower blood sugar levels. Also, when taking blood-thinning medications or anticoagulant drugs, it is important to avoid using oregano oil.
If you are allergic to mint, basil, sage marjoram which are all members of the Lamiaceae plant family then now is the time to know oregano oil is a member of this family of plants. You are advised not to use the oil to avoid any adverse reactions.
Above all, it is very important to talk to a doctor or a professional health practitioner before using oregano oil. Even though oregano oil is all-natural, it is important to take professional advice from your doctor about using oregano oil or any other natural treatments you come across.
Now let’s look at some common stomach problems we deal with.
Even as we can always think stomach problems are always due to the things we eat, however, it is very common to experience some stomach problems due to accumulated or aggravated digestive diseases. Symptoms are always experienced around the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts. However, these symptoms can be due to a system disorder, autoimmune disease, or even hormonal imbalance.
In the situation whereby you experience severe and consistent stomach problems with aggravating symptoms, you might stand a chance for a significant change of diet and may require chronic treatment.
Some common stomach problems can include;
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Here is a situation whereby you feel a burning sensation in the middle of the chest. It is also known as acid reflux. This is when the stomach releases acids back towards the esophagus. This is normally experienced in the night and after meals. A study carried out by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and kidney diseases (NIDDK) concluded 20% of Americans are affected by this digestive disease. A common experience can be heartburn, pain in the chest, difficulty in breathing, poor breath.
Peptic Ulcer
This is a condition whereby there is an open sore in the stomach. The bacteria responsible for Peptic ulcer is known to be Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) accountable for chronic gastritis and some other ulcers.
It is estimated 1 million people residing in the United States are known to have gallstones every year concluded by the American Gastroenterological Association. This is seen when hard deposits are formed in the gallbladder blocking the link between the intestine and gallbladder causing sharp pain on the upper right side of the abdomen.
This is inflammation usually around the lining of the stomach. It is normally provoked by medications and for some instances, the condition can be of no known cause. Gastritis is commonly caused due to the bacteria or virus that causes the majority of the stomach ulcers. Huge consumption of alcohol and constant painkillers like ibuprofen and aspirin can also contribute to gastritis. Gastritis if not taken proper treatment can even lead to stomach cancer.
Celiac Disease
This is an acute gluten sensitivity which is seen as an autoimmune disorder whereby during the consumption of gluten, the immune systems turn to attack and damages parts of the small intestines. A quick attempt at relieving is directed towards the consumption of gluten-free foods. Symptoms can be diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain in children, constipation, and weight loss. It is estimated 1 in 133 of Americans are dealing with the celiac disease as indicated by Beyond Celiac
Crohn’s Disease
Also known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) caused due to numerous digestive conditions. Is estimated 780,000 Americans may have the Crohn’s disease as stated by the Crohns Colitis Foundation (CCFA) Crohn’s disease always attacks the connected terminal ileum between the small bowels and beginning area of the colon. The cause is uncertain and brings symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, weight loss, vomiting, and fever.
Lactose Intolerance
Lacking the enzymes necessary to digest the sugars especially in dairy products can lead to lactose intolerance. Symptoms are known to be gas, diarrhea, and bloating after dairy food consumption. It is better to stay away from dairy products for quick relief.
Ulcerative Colitis
Some other IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) with close similarities to the Crohn’s disease but at this time the attack is specifically on the large intestines. Over 907,000 Americans may be affected by Ulcerative Colitis as indicated by CCFA. Symptoms can be blood in the stool, abdominal cramps, urgent and frequent bowel movements, and diarrhea with pain.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
This can be a result of digestive conditions which can cause the digestive tract to be irritable. An estimated 10% – 15% of people worldwide are dealing with IBS and over 25 to 45 million just in the United States concluded by the IFFGD (International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders)
A common inflammation of the blood vessels at the very end of the digestive tract. When dealing with hemorrhoids the stool is always accompanied by bright red blood. An estimated 75 % of Americans over the age of 45 are dealing with Hemorrhoids as indicated by NIDDK. Symptoms can include constipation, diarrhea, pain during bowel movements. For quick relief, it is important to eat foods high in fibers, drinking a lot of water, and frequent exercising.
This is normally caused by inflamed pouches in the lining of the digestive system and the colon area or large intestines. Obesity is known to be the prime factor or contributor to diverticulitis. Also, a low fiber diet can be considered as a trigger for diverticulitis.
Anal Fissure
Anal Fissures are common tears tiny and oval-shaped in the anus or end of the digestive tract. This is commonly caused by hard bowel movements and also can diarrhea. Common symptoms are similar to Hemorrhoid like pain during bowel movements and bleeding. Taking high fiber foods can help to limit occurrence.
Why Is Oregano Oil considered An Option For Stomach Problems
As mentioned earlier, oregano oil is composed of ingredients with a variety of health benefits. The main active ingredients of oregano are Carvacrol and thymol which are highly attributed to the anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammation, anti-microbial, and antiviral properties of oregano oil. And almost all of the stomach problems are known to be caused by parasites, microbes, and inflammations.
Research and studies concluded the active ingredients of oregano oil (Carvacrol and Thymol) can effectively fight against E-coli and other major food poisoning viruses like Salmonella, which is due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of oregano
We all know bacteria and toxins can cause inflammation in the stomach lining which is the number one cause of some stomach problems that can be prevented by oregano oil. This is due to the anti-inflammation properties of oregano oil.
Today, many people are turning to use natural antibiotics like oregano oil rather than pharmaceutical antibiotics which are known to be chemically processed and with the possibility to kill some of the good bacteria in the body.
How To Use Oregano Oil For Stomach Problems and discomfort
Oregano oil can be used internally to fight against stomach issues effectively. It is always advised not to use the full strength of oregano oil as oregano oil is considered to be a hot oil and can burn seriously. In this case, we are required to dilute oregano oil to best suit our needs. We can always use a 100% organic and virgin carrier oil for this purpose. Carrier oils like Virgin Olive, Virgin Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and any carrier Oil of your choice.
It is of prime importance to always sort for 100% organic and therapeutic grade oregano oil. The higher the percentage of carvacrol the more potent and effective the oil can be. Try to source for an unfiltered and undiluted oregano oil for the best outcome.
If you are using oregano oil for the first time, try to know how much oil you can take. It is also important to start with smaller doses and increase the doses if need be. I always recommend a 1% is to 5% mixture with a carrier oil. A patch test is also important to observe how the oil can react with you or to check for any allergic reactions. What you can do is to apply the oil on a small area of the body and wait for over 24 hours for observations.
The Dosage of Oregano Oil For Stomach Discomfort.
You can add 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water or juice if you are not familiar or fond of the taste of oregano oil. This mixture can be taken at least 2 times a day.
Also, you can mix 1-2 drops of oregano oil in a cup of peppermint or lemon tea and sip gently. This mixture helps in digestion after eating heavily.
Oregano oil by itself can cause some stomach upset when using the oil for the first time. However, as your system get’s accustom to the oil, you won’t be experiencing any stomach upsets. If conditions persist, try to use oregano capsules.
When using oregano capsules it is important not to exceed 600mg a day and should be taken in 2-3 doses.
Oregano oil is not intended for long use. You can use oregano oil 2-3 times a day for not more than 10 to 14 days.
Oregano oil is a great natural alternative for a variety of illnesses. Oregano has been used for many years as a healing herb and it’s success and healing powers have been encouraging. It is important to always dilute oregano oil before use for the best experience and make sure the oregano oil you are using is 100% therapeutic grade, unfiltered, and undiluted. If you have used oregano oil for your stomach issues try to share your experience for us to learn from and achieve our health benefits.
Thanks for the great article! I love oregano oil for many things but usually only use it topically. (My daughter is allergic to almost all antibiotics and it cured her strep throat!) I recently took it internally for five days due to a particularly bad bout of diarrhea without any trouble, and it worked wonderfully. However, I now have extreme stomach bloating and wonder if you think this is a die off type of reaction, or did I kill both good and bad bacteria and now need a probiotic? Thanks in advance for your opinion 🙂
From my experience, such conditions can arise when the bad bacteria outweighs the good bacteria. You can extend the usage of oregano for up to 14 days max with observation in other to put the bad bacteria under control.
I heard good things about oregano oil and was suggested the following plan to combat trouble digestive system after antibiotics. Would be great to get your thoughts on this.
1.) Take 4 capulses of oregano oil capsules (50mg each for total of 200mg) – 3 times a day with meal for total of 600mg/day
2.) Follow up with 4 probiotics capsules one hour later (1600mg per after each meal for total of 4800mg). The probiotics should contain 20billion organisms
3.) Follow steps 1 and 2 for 5 days straight
I have IBS with baterica over growth. Wheat intolerant. Plus multiple other food allergies. I am forever trying to keep my gut.healthy.!! Working with Gaso Dr. Is important. However being my own best advocate. I found oregano oil. I take 300 mg in the am 300 in the. evening.witb my probiotic I take the oregano 2 weeks on 2 week off. Unless my tummy is bad. On the off weeks I do 300 mg a day instead of 600. I still have to take a prescription medication. I will have to take for every. The oregano oil has help to keep the infections at bay.
Thanks for sharing your experience.