Oregano which is most commonly known as to impart an Italian taste in Mediterranean cuisine and also used as a flavoring agent and dressing to a variety of foods is growing in familiarity as more discoveries are being made as to how beneficial the oregano plant can further enhance our health and general well being. The health benefits of oregano oil are nothing new but we will learn more and more alternatives to making better use of the oil.

For thousands of years, ancient healers of the Greek and Roman era discovered the medicinal importance of oregano and used the plant as a traditional medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments as cramping, asthma, diarrhea, respiratory conditions and even indigestion. To date and in Greece, there exists oregano infusions that are used against colds, stomach issues, and for general wellbeing.
With over 40 species of oregano, it is important to note that, the wild Oreganum Vulgare is the specie with the highest health benefits and the specie I will be referring to in this post.
The Oreganum Vulgare belongs to the plant family of Lamiaceae alongside other plants like basil, mint, sage, marjoram, and grows wild in the mountainous Mediterranean regions. Oregano is known for its outstanding bioactivity. By its self, it’s an antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-parasite, anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergenic.
In other to reap the health benefits which will be outlined in the subsequent paragraphs, it is important to practice the best ways of using oregano and to make sure you are fit to use the oil. Before using oregano, it is very important to talk with your doctor for more professional advice.
As mentioned above, It is also important to note not everyone is fit to use oregano, as one may be allergic to the plant, if you are diabetic, if you are pregnant, a nursing mother, and also if you are taking blood-thinning medications, it is advisable to avoid the use of oregano oil
Here are the outstanding health benefits of oregano….
The Top 36 Health Benefits of Oregano Essential Oil and its Uses
1)Oregano Oil for Menstrual Issues

Oregano can be used to regularize the menstrual cycle and enabling a conducive menstrual discharge for women dealing with menstrual cramp and irregularity in menstrual flow. Oregano can stimulate the flow of blood in the pelvic area and induces uterine contractions which will further enhance a smooth menstrual flow.
To use oregano oil for menstrual cramp, mix 2-3 drops of oregano in a cup of tea or juice and take 2 times daily.
You can also mix 2-3 drops of oregano with a carrier oil of your choice and massage the lower abdomen gently.
During menstruation, try to make your self some oregano tea and drink at least twice a day.
2) Oregano Oil for Pets and Animals

Today, using essential oils on our pets and animals has been received with mixed feelings but many have been able to testify the goodness of using oregano on their pets. Numerous poultry farmers have also made claims on how oregano has significantly improved the health of their animals compared to the pharmaceutical antibiotics in their feeds. They believed oregano brought about the best antimicrobial benefits compared to when they fully used conventional antibiotics.
Before administering oregano oil to your pets, it is very important to seek professional advice from your veterinarian. Do not give oregano oil to cats, birds, fish and your small mammal like hamsters, rabbits.
To use oregano oil internally for your pets always remember to dilute the oil with a carrier oil before use. The recommended dose is one teaspoon of a carrier oil with one drop of oregano oil.
It is said that a drop of oregano oil in dog food can effectively protect against viruses, bacteria and fungi, water-borne diseases, and can be used as a dewormer.
The same mixture indicated above can also work for topical uses.
3) Oregano Oil as an Insect Repellent

Oregano oil can be used as a natural insect repellent in your home and even when you travel around the world. This is due to the presence of active compounds like carvacrol, thymol, and p-cymene which are present in oregano. We all know numerous insecticides are not only toxic to humans but also pollute our environment which is one of the reasons why we are experiencing a higher shift to organic and natural products.
Numerous studies have shown that carvacrol, linalool, p-cymene, and thymol which are found in oregano oil repelled insects by 100% (1).
To use oregano oil as an insect repellent especially for insect bites like mosquitos, dilute about 2-3 drops of oregano with a tablespoon of a carrier oil, and apply on the exposed skin.
You can also use a spray bottle that you can carry along with you everywhere you go. This can be done by filling a 250ml spray bottle with water, add 5-6 drops of oregano oil and spray on the exposed skin after every 45 minutes to prevent mosquito bites.
In your home, you can still use the mixture to clean surfaces in the house which will help to repel insects in the house.
4) Oregano Oil for Oral Health

Using oregano oil for our oral health can help us fight against the most common oral health conditions. As an antibacterial, oregano can help eliminate the exposure of bacteria in the mouth as they can easily stick around the mouth in the form of plaque, tartars which can further lead to decay and rot due to improper oral hygiene.
With the presence of thymol, (a compound which is used in numerous mouth wash), in oregano oil, which acts as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial agent which can greatly help to eliminate bacterial and plaque in the mouth.
To use oregano oil for your oral hygiene, you can add a single drop on your toothpaste over your toothbrush and brush away any oral issues and protect your teeth and gum.
Even if you suffer from toothaches, oregano oil can be used as a natural anesthetic as it contains anti-inflammatory properties.
You can also make your own oregano mouth wash by mixing;
2 cups of water with 5 drops of peppermint oil,
5 drops of oregano oil and store in a clean glass bottle.
Use about 10ml of the mouth wash in your mouth for over 30 seconds and do not swallow but spit it out.
You can use twice daily for better results.
5) Oregano Oil for Dandruff

Oregano is well known to fight against dandruff, enriching the scalp, and enhance the growth of strong and healthy hair. As an anti-fungal agent, oregano can easily eradicate the Malassezia fungal yeast which is known to be the main cause of dandruff.
Oregano which exhibits antimicrobial and antifungal properties and for the fact that it lacks artificial chemicals makes the oil suitable for our scalp and prevents any irritation.
To use oregano oil for dandruff, add 2-3 drops of oregano oil to your shampoo and massage into the scalp gently and rinse after 5 minutes.
Apply a mixture of 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil on the scalp 2 times daily. Massage gently with your fingertips and let the mixture penetrates into the scalp.
6) Oregano Oil for Immune System

Oregano can be used as an immune booster, and build a fortress of an immune system. Using oregano from time to time can help as a natural immune system strengthener this is due to the bioactivities of oregano. Oregano is also known to help regulate the hormones, switching depressive symptoms and pain control which can in a way hamper our immune system.
The composition of oregano oil has influenced the use of oregano as a natural antibiotic by many today. This is in regard to the growing concerns about pharmaceutical anti-biotics which are known to cause more harm than good in our system. Today, many are calling for the use of compounds with bioactive properties (2).
As mentioned earlier, oregano is anti-septic, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-allergenic.
To use oregano oil to boost the immune system, you can mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a carrier oil and take it internally at least once daily. You can also use oregano capsules of not more than 600ml a day.
You can take oregano internally for as long as 14 days as it is not advisable to take oregano on a daily basis.
7) Oregano Oil for Arthritis, Joint and Muscle Pain

As an anti-inflammatory agent, oregano is best suited for the use of arthritis and pain management. As indicated, oregano is well known to stabilize mood levels and balance hormone levels which can greatly help for arthritis. The ancient Chinese healers made use of oregano for joint pains, muscle pains, and sprains.
Majority of the conventional treatments of arthritis are not organic or natural which is the main concern today.
To use oregano oil for arthritis, you can just mix oregano oil with a carrier oil and massage the affected area for deep relief. You can simply mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and massage 2-3 times daily.
You can also take the oil internally for effective relief by mixing 2-3 drops in a glass of water or a tablespoon of a carrier oil of your choice and take internally.
8) Oregano Oil for Cold Sores

Using oregano oil for cold sores can help dry off the cold sores and make them disappear. Making use of oregano oil while dealing with cold sores is a quick and natural remedy that will not only subside the pain but also limits the swelling effects that come with cold sores.
To use oregano oil for cold sores, prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of water against 1 drop of oregano oil. Use a q-tip to stare the mixture thoroughly as water can’t easily blend with oil. Use the q-tip to dap on the cold sores for about 4-5 times daily.
You can prepare a blend of 3 drops of oregano oil with 2 drops of lemon, tea tree, and a tablespoon of jojoba oil. Jojoba oil will help the blend absorb easily.
You can also take oregano oil internally for fast and effective healing.
9) Oregano Oil for Herpes
You can experience immediate relief and even eliminate herpes permanently in less than no time with oregano. Oregano oil and its agents such as carvacrol and thymol can offer great contributions to the healing of herpes. Carvacrol, first of all, makes the herpes virus permeable and limits the spread of the virus. As carvacrol weakens the cell membrane of the virus, thymol which is another vital compound of oregano penetrates and exercises its antiseptic properties and fights the virus right from our bloodstreams and boosts our immune system.
To use oregano oil for herpes, mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil for topical use. Apply on the affected areas 2-3 times daily.
For internal usage, take 2-3 drops of oregano and mix in a glass of water and take it internally. When using juice avoid too much sugar as sugar provide food for the herpes virus.
You can add 2-3 drops of oregano to a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and take internally.
10) Oregano Oil for Warts

The use of oregano oil for the treatment of warts is considered to be one of the most effective ways to treat warts because it kills the virus and burns off the wart. This can help reduce the activity of the virus by using an antiviral topical preparation with oregano oil.
Oregano oil is considered an antimicrobial, meaning it is both antibacterial and anti-viral, so by adding the use of oregano with a prescription or mixing it with oregano oil, it can effectively reduce the microbes on the skin that grows, so you don’t have to deal with these ugly warts no more.
To use oregano oil with warts mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a carrier oil of your choice and apply on the warts. Make sure to remove the dead skin on the warts to enable the mixture to penetrate easily.
You can also take the oil internally by mixing 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water, a beverage of your choice and take internally. You can take the mixture 2-3 times a day. You can always make use of oregano capsules as well.
11) Oregano Oil for Parasites
Using oregano oil can be a natural and simple way to prevent parasites from our system. Dealing with parasites in our system can cause abdominal pain, constipation, chronic bloating, gas, nervousness, diarrhea, anemia, irritable bowel syndrome, dysentery, and nausea.
Majority of the times these parasites get into our system due to our own negligence and mostly from improper hygiene. Oregano oil being an anti-parasitic agent can greatly help us fight against parasites and keep our immune system on check.
A study concluded that oregano can completely eradicate parasites from our system and improve gastrointestinal symptoms (3).
To use oregano oil for parasites, prepare a mixture of 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and take this for at least 2 times a day. You can also mix 2-3 drops of oregano with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and take it internally.
12) Oregano Oil for Aging

Oregano can be used for aging, coupled with some anti-aging practices can help limit unexpected againg. When it comes to natural outcomes, nature will always respond pleasantly to nature. This is a call for those applying artificial and synthetic chemicals to fight nature. It will only bring poor results, if not now in the near future.
Using oregano which is a natural and organic oil can help slow our aging effectively. Oregano oil can help reverse the early wrinkles leaving your body young and smooth.
Oregano oil is composed of magnificent ingredients which when taken internally, it can help cleanse us and purify our blood from any infection and keeping the body healthy and rejuvenated.
To use oregano oil for aging, you will have to take oregano oil internally from time to time. You will have to mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil as usual in a glass of water or a beverage of your choice and take internally for not more than 14 days. You can always resume after about 3-4 weeks.
For external usage, you can prepare your own skin lotion. You can mix 20 drops of oregano oil with a ¼ cup of moringa oil and a ¼ cup of virgin coconut oil. This will help rejuvenates your skin and prevent wrinkles. This can be used daily 2 to 3 times a day.
13) Oregano Oil for Candida

Oregano is well known to heal our guts and maintain a balanced flora and a healthy system. Oregano is considered by many to be better than majority of the conventional antibiotics treatments flooding the markets today.
Using oregano oil for the treatment of candida is one of the most effective and natural treatment. Oregano with its anti-bacterial characteristics puts the plant oil in a position to restore the balance between good and bad bacteria. A study carried out concluded oregano can fight the candida fungus and promote healing better and faster than other pharmaceutical drugs (4)
To use oregano oil for candida, you will have to follow the standard mixture of 2-3 drops of oregano oil in either a glass of water or your favorite beverage. Oregano capsules can also be used internally for a convenient experience.
14) Oregano Oil for Skin Conditions

As we may all know, our skin is a reflection of our internal wellbeing. If we are dealing with internal health issues, we can easily realize a change in our physical appearance. Oregano with its outstanding health benefits can fight bacteria and fungal infections from the origin and from our skin.
Our skin plays a very vital role as it protects the body and we are tasked to always keep our skin healthy as infections can attack us through the skin and make way into our systems.
To use oregano oil topically and on the skin, we must remember to dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil and apply on the affected areas. Diluting 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil is the standard recommendation.
You can also take oregano oil internally to fight against health conditions that can pose a threat to our physical appearance.
15) Oregano Oil for Allergy

With our systems dealing with continuous inflammation, the immune system turns to work constantly to protect the body and the presence of an allergen can trigger an overreaction. The possibility of an overreaction can be avoided when the immune system and the level of inflammation within the body can be balanced.
The reason why oregano oil can help for allergies is due to its anti-inflammation properties and its ability to boost the immune system.
To use oregano oil for allergy, you can diffuse 5-6 drops of oregano in your home and as you take on your daily activities.
You can also take oregano oil internally to deal with food allergies. A standard dose of 2-3 drops of oregano in a glass of water or with a carrier oil
16) Oregano Oil for Stomach Problems

Using oregano oil for stomach conditions can relieve us of the health conditions we turn to avoid which later can be aggravated and return in full strength. Oregano oil may help to prevent any further complications when we fail to take action on issues like constipation, heartburn, bloating, and diarrhea. Oregano’s famous carvacrol and thymol are known to fight against bacterias and viruses that may cause stomach conditions.
Even as we always think stomach problems are always due to the things we eat, however, it is very common to experience some stomach problems due to accumulated or aggravated digestive diseases.
To use oregano oil for stomach conditions we will have to take the oil internally by mixing 2-3 drops of oregano in a glass of water.
You can as well mix 1-2 drops of oregano oil in a cup of peppermint or lemon tea and sip gently.
17) Oregano Oil for Ear Infections

A single drop of oregano oil is known to contain potential healing powers that can go a long way to fight against ear infections effectively. Oregano oil can help to relieve pain associated with ear infections. Using oregano oil can limit inflammation and with it’s antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant oregano oil can help prevent the bacterias and virus from an outbreak and spreading to the other ear causing further complication.
To use oregano oil for an ear infection, you can prepare a blend of 2-3 drops of oregano with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and massage the external back area of the ear and neck.
You can massage the front of the outer ear close to the jawline gently and let the blend penetrate.
You can as well take the oil internally for an effective treatment.
18) Oregano Oil for Cough

Using oregano oil for cough is a very practical idea and a very great decision. The presence of thymol and carvacrol in oregano gives the oil an antiviral and antibacterial boost. This means oregano can replace the use of antibiotics and a better alternative as it is all-natural and organic. Cough is a respiratory infection and highly attributed to viruses. Oregano with its antiviral characteristics can help treat your cough and goes a long way to boost the immune system preventing the virus from attacking again.
To use oregano oil for cough, you will have to diffuse the oil since coughing is a respiratory condition. As you breathe in the oregano oil, it goes through the respiratory tract and clears the respiratory airways off viruses.
Diffuse 5-6 drops of oregano in your essential oil diffuser. If you do not have an essential oil diffuser, you can use a bowl of boiled water, add 6 drops of oregano and inhale through the mouth and nose with eyes closed. You can place a towel over the head to prevent the steam from escaping.
You can also prepare a blend of 2-3 drops of oregano with a tablespoon of a carrier oil of your choice. Massage gently on the chest, your back, neck, and even the bottom of the feet. You can apply 2 to 3 times a day.
19) Oregano Oil for Colds and Flu

Just as oregano is effective with cough we can conveniently accept it will do the same with the cold and flu. A cold and flu condition is a respiratory issue that is caused by viruses. The properties of oregano are well known to treat cold viruses and take care of the irritating symptoms.
With oregano, we are able to boost the immune system and limit any possible attacks by this viruses.
Just as any ordinary respiratory condition, you can use oregano oil by diffusing the oil or by steam inhalation.
Also, you can have oregano tea to keep the body warm and to fight the cold symptoms.
20) Using oregano Oil for Athlet’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is normally caused by a fungus called dermatophyte. The fungus can easily survive on the skin due to the presence of Keratin which sustains them. Oregano on its part is well known to be an antifungal agent. This implies oregano can help relieve us from fungal infections at all times.
To use oregano oil for athlete’s foot, you can prepare your own anti-fungal cream to be used topically by mixing 2-3 drops of oregano with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and apply on the affected area 3-4 times a day.
For chronic conditions, you will have to take oregano internally by following the standard oral procedure of 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water, juice, or any beverage of your choice.
21) Using Oregano Oil for Ringworm

Ringworm is known to be a common fungal infection that has no connection to worms as many people may think. It is highly common with humans and many animal species. We can easily get in contact with the fungi from soil-to-human, human-to-human, objects-to-human, animal-to-human, and animal-to-animal.
Many turn to use antibiotics as a treatment for ringworm but it will not really help as ringworms are caused by a fungi and not a bacteria. What you may need is an antifungal treatment.
To use oregano for ringworm, you will have to take the oil both internally and externally. You can mix two to three drops of oregano in a glass of water and take internally and you can also mix the same dose with a carrier oil and apply it on the affected area.
22) Using Oregano Oil for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is known to be an autoimmune health condition caused by a rapid skin cell build-up. Psoriasis is considered a chronic, painful, noncommunicable, and disabling health condition with serious negative impacts on the victim’s quality of life (5). The exact cause of psoriasis has not been discovered but many claim it is a genetic predisposition but others believe it is due to an immune system condition.
Oregano oil can help against the inflammation characteristics of psoriasis. Oregano can fight psoriasis by restoring and strengthening the immune system.
Oregano can best help for psoriasis if taken internally and applied externally. Prepare a standard 2-3 drops of oregano in a glass of water and drink and for external use mix 2-3 drops of oregano with a carrier oil and apply on the affected areas.
23) Oregano Oil for Rosacea
Oregano oil can produce some positive experience and changes to the skin mite often associated with rosacea. Rosacea is known as a skin disorder that causes chronic inflammation of some parts of the face.
Oregano oil can be used to a full restoration of the face and fight the skin condition right from the roots. As an active anti-inflammatory agent, oregano will help deal with the redness and spots. Also, oregano oil can eliminate any possibility for the condition to resurface again which is not the case with some conventional treatments.
Over 80% to 90% improvement in rosacea conditions can be achieved by patients who use oregano for their treatment.
To get the best out of using oregano for rosacea, you will have to use the oil internally and externally. To use the oil externally, mix 2-3 drops of oregano with a carrier oil and apply on the affected areas. You can also use a q-tip to apply the mixture on the spots.
For oral use, you will have to mix 2-3 drops in a glass of water and take internally or use oregano capsules.
24) Using Oregano for urinary tract infections
For many years we have always turned to antibiotics to fight UTIs but with the growing awareness of antibiotics responsible for destroying both the good and bad bacteria, many are looking out for alternative natural and organic treatments.
Oregano oil and its anti-bacteria properties and being a natural and organic treatment, makes it a great treatment for UTIs.
A study was carried out which concluded oregano can not only slow but stop the growth of E.coli which is known to be the number one bacteria causing UTIs (6).
To use oregano for UTIs you will need to prepare a soothing cream by mixing 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a carrier oil and massage the lower abdomen 2-3 times a day. For internal use, take 2-3 drops of oregano and in a glass of water for not more than 14 days. You can mix the oil in a beverage of your choice to avoid the strong taste of the oil or use oregano capsules.
25) Using Oregano for heartburn

Oregano oil can be used as a natural heartburn treatment and so be the case with numerous gastrointestinal and stomach problems (7), Heartburn is a common health issue of which any individual can experience it at some points in their life. It is a form of uncomfortable indigestion that causes some burning sensation around the upper abdomen and up to the neck and throat.
Ancient healers have used oregano for indigestion and other related conditions. With the anti-inflammatory characteristics of oregano, can eliminate the heightened inflammation which can be caused if the acidic fluid from the stomach stays on the lining of the throat over time (8).
You can use oregano oil for heartburn through diffusing the oil in other to clear the respiratory tract. You can also apply an oregano soothing cream (oregano oil mixed with a carrier oil) on the abdomen. You can also take the oil internally to treat the heartburn effectively from within.
26) Using Oregano for varicose veins

The story is always different with oregano. Oregano can help to inhibit and treat varicose veins and restoring smooth skin. Varicose veins are nothing other than the tiny purple and dark veins that may appear on the legs. This can be due to weakened vein walls and valve functionality (9).
Again oregano’s anti-inflammatory characteristics can help fight against varicose veins. It will help the free circulation of blood in the system.
For best results, you will have to use oregano internally and externally when dealing with varicose veins. Orally, you can mix 2-3 drops in a glass of water, a beverage of your choice, or with a carrier oil.
For external use, mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a carrier oil and apply on the affected areas 2-3 times daily.
27) Using Oregano for Oily Skin
Oregano oil can help restore the balance of oil the body needs. Oily skins are usually cosmetic conditions caused by over-sized sebaceous glands producing excessive amounts of sebum leaving us with greasy and shiny skin.
To use oregano oil for oily skin you will have to mix oregano oil with jojoba oil. Jojoba can easily mimic sebum on the skin which will trick the sebaceous glands to produce less sebum which in turn maintaining the level of oil for the skin. This puts jojoba oil as the best carrier oil for oily skins (10). Mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of jojoba oil and apply lightly to the affected areas.
You can also, take oregano internally to fight inflammation from within the system.
28) Using Oregano Oil for Curing Tinea Versicolor
Oregano oil which is recently considered as one of the best natural and potent anti-fungal treatment can greatly help to fight against tinea versicolor which is considered a fungal infection. Tinea versicolor is a common fungal infection known as Pityriasis Versicolor that affects the skin with lighter skin patches that can spread all over the chest and back of a patient.
Oregano with its anti-fungal properties, can help fight against the fungal infection and restore the skin. The immune system is also considered to be a contributive factor for the infection. But with oregano, the immune system can be strengthened which will help to keep the fungus and yeast under control.
You can use oregano oil for tinea versicolor by mixing 2-3 drops of the oil with jojoba oil and apply neatly on the skin. This mixture can be applied 2-3 times a day.
Oregano oil can also be used internally to limit the recurrent nature of tinea versicolor and to fight the fungal from within.
29) Oregano oil for SIBO
Using oregano oil for SIBO can guarantee immediate and effective results. SIBO can be considered to develop as a result of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (11). SIBO conditions are more likely with patients dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other underlying conditions.
To use oregano oil for SIBO you can simply mix 2-3 drops of the oil with a glass of water or with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and take internally.
For external use, prepare a standard mixture of 2-3 drops of oregano and a tablespoon of a carrier oil and massage the lower abdomen 2-3 times a day.
30) Using Oregano for Sinus Pain

Using oregano for sinus infection is a natural and less complicated and effective treatment. As every respiratory condition oregano oil with its anti-inflammatory properties can help to guarantee a quick recovery.
To use oregano oil for sinus pain, you can simply add 5-6 drops of oregano oil in your essential oil diffuser and diffuse the oil in your home.
You can also try inhalation steam therapy if you do not have an oil diffuser available. You can add 5 drops of oregano in a bowl of boiled water and inhale the vapor. You can use a towel over your head to avoid the vapor from escaping. You should try to close your eyes to avoid any irritation to the eyes.
31) Oregano oil for Swine Flu
Oregano oil can be used as a complementary treatment of swine flu. This is due to the critical and epidemical nature of the swine flu infection. This will imply you can not use oregano as a sole treatment for a swine flu condition but alongside other effective swine flu treatment.
Oregano can greatly help with its anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. To use oregano oil as a complementary treatment for swine flu, you will have to follow the same treatment as the case of other respiratory conditions. You can diffuse the oil in your home and take the oil internally to help boost the immune system.
32) Oregano Oil for Asthma
Asthma, which is a complex health condition, needs serious attention and care. Oregano cannot be solely used to treat asthma but as a complementary treatment. It is also important to note that Oregano has helped many asthma patients but it has not been so for all asthma patients as some claimed diffusing oregano oil triggered their Asthma condition.
To use oregano oil for asthma, you will have to be extremely cautious and observe carefully that in diffusing the oil, it does not cause more harm than good and provoke the condition.
To use oregano oil for asthma, you can diffuse the oil but it is important to start with fewer drops and observe keenly how the oil will react with your asthma condition.
33) Oregano Oil for bloating

Bloating is commonly known as a gastrointestinal condition that can be experienced by patients of all ages. Oregano oil can be used to treat bloating conditions due to its outstanding characteristics. This is for the fact that the oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, and antibacterial.
Oregano with its anti-inflammation properties can stand guard to limit the inflamed colon and eliminates bloating (12).
Bloating is also common when an individual is experiencing excessive gas in the system which may be due to eating disorders and bacteria overgrowth. Oregano is widely used to treat digestive issues, and also limits the growth of bacteria in the system and also limit the excessive gas produced during the process as the bacteria feeds on the foods we eat.
To use oregano oil for bloating, you can mix 2-3 drops in a glass of water and take internally. You can also, use oregano leaves for cooking, and also use the leaves for an oregano tea to help with bloating.
34) Oregano Oil for Sore Throat
Using oregano oil, in a few simple steps, can enhance an effective and immediate recovery from sore throat. With the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of oregano, sore throats can be easily treated.
A steam therapy or diffusing the oregano oil can be the best ways to reap the benefits of the oil for a sore throat. You can diffuse 5-6 drops of oregano oil in your essential oil diffuser or use a steam therapy by adding 5-6 drops of oregano oil in a bowl of boiled hot water and place the face over the bowl with eyes closed and mouth open and inhale the steam. You can put a towel over the head to avoid the steam from escaping.
35) Oregano Oil for Eczema
Using oregano oil for Eczema can be the next best natural alternative treatment. Just like any other skin condition, oregano stands a better chance to fight against eczema both externally and from within our system.
Oregano oil with its antimicrobial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, and anti-fungal properties, gives oregano oil the upper hand to fight against eczema.
To use oregano oil for eczema, you will need to take the oil both internally and externally. For external use, you will have to go with the standard mixture of 2-3 drops of oregano with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and apply on the eczema 2-3 times daily.
For oral use, the same mixture can be prepared and swallow. You can also add 2-3 drops of water in a glass of water and drink internally or use oregano capsules.
36) Oregano Oil for Acne

Oregano oil is well known to fight against numerous health conditions and acne is no exception. Acne is a long-term inflammatory skin condition that comes as a result of clogged pores. Acne will quickly show up in parts of the body with a high percentage of oil glands which may include the face, shoulders, chest, and upper back.
The presence of flavanoids and photochemical substances in oregano makes it super-fit to fight against acne. Again oregano with its anti-inflammatory properties helps to restore the skin and keeps it healthy.
To use oregano oil for acne, you can prepare a standard mixture of 2-3 drops with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and use a q-tip to apply directly to the acne. You can also take the mixture internally by mixing 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drink.
37) Oregano Oil For Yeast Infection
A yeast infection is an extreme reaction of candidiasis which comes as a result of candida albicans fungal infection. As a fungal infection, oregano, which is well known for its anti-fungal properties can treat yeast infections naturally.
It is said over 75% of women are prone to yeast infection at least once at some point in their life (13). The majority of the yeast infection cases reported are attributed to a weakened immune system. Oregano can help boost the immune system and restore the balance between the good and bad bacteria in the system.
To use oregano oil for a yeast infection, you need to first boost the immune system by taking 2-3 drops of the oil mix in a glass of water, or any beverage of your choice with less sugar. Oregano capsules can be another option.
For topical use, especially when dealing with skin yeast infections, the standard 2-3 drops of oregano oil mixed with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and apply on the affected areas.
38) Oregano Oil for Toenail Fungus

Just like any other fungal infection, oregano brings hope and quick relief from any fungal infection, with no exception to toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is referred to as onychomycosis which causes the fungi to develop on the nail. Toenail fungus can be considered a symptom of yeast or candida virus from within the system.
If that be the case, you will have to use the oregano oil both within and externally. It is advisable to start by taking the oil internally to boost the immune system and fight the fungi internally. You can mix 2-3 drops of oregano in a glass of water and drink internally. Do not forget the taste can be strong if that be the case oregano capsules can be another option.
For external use, prepare a simple toe bath therapy by adding 6-10 drops of oregano oil in a bowl of warm water. Add half cup of apple cider vinegar and place both feet in the mixture for about 5-10 minutes. You can use a hand towel to clean in between the toes. You can do this once a day or thrice a week.
After you dry the feet, prepare an oregano standard cream with 2-3 drops oregano oil and a carrier oil and apply on the affected toenail. Make sure to massage gently for the mixture to penetrate. You will have to do this twice daily and you need to be patient as it may take some time to completely cure toenail fungi infection.
39) Anti-cancer benefits of oregano
Cancer is a complex health condition and much is being done today with essential oils as natural alternatives to suppress the symptoms of cancer. Due to the content and bioactivity of oregano, researchers and scientists have been able to conclude positively about the goodness of oregano in treating cancer cells.
It is important to note the use of oregano to inhibit cancer cells has been done majority of the time in labs, and test tubes. Do not give up your treatment to take oregano oil solely as your cancer treatment. You can use oregano as a complementary treatment for cancer.
Studies have indicated that the properties of oregano oil are cancer suppressant agents (14). Over 11 compounds found in oregano demonstrated anti-cancer characteristics.
To use oregano oil for cancer, you will have to discuss the possibilities with your doctor first.
You can as well mix 2 drops of oregano oil, 1 drop of frankincense oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil and take internally.
It is important to prepare oregano blends with a combination of other essential oils like frankincense, basil, black pepper, cinnamon, clary sage, clove, lemongrass, etc, and which are well known for their anti-cancer benefits and switch blends on a weekly basis to prevent resistance from the cancer cells
You can use your blends topically by applying directly on the tumor location, bottom of the feet and spine area.
Oregano can be our home “doctor” as its health benefits are far-reaching. Oregano can do for us more than we can think of. But to enjoy these outstanding benefits of oregano you need to make sure you are using a 100% organic and therapeutic grade oregano oil from the oreganum vulgare plant. Also, it is very important to always use oregano oil with a carrier oil as oregano oil can burn so badly. For convenient usage, especially when using the oil internally, you can use oregano capsules. Also, you can learn more about the best ways to use oregano oil for the best experience. You can use oregano on a daily basis but for a period of not more than 14 days. You can share your experience with oregano by dropping a comment below so we can be able to learn more about oregano.

I couldn’t even think that oregano is so useful. I think, I need to buy it for my family. I hope that they will be pleased.
They will definitely be pleased.